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1 Nov 2011, 5:49 pm
Eyal Zamir and Barak Medina (Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law and Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law) have posted Book Symposium on Eyal Zamir's & Barak Medina's 'Law, Economics, and Morality' (Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies, Vol. 3, pp. 107-146, 2011) on SSRN. [read post]
1 Nov 2011, 5:52 pm
Ariel Porat (Tel Aviv University) has posted Eyal Zamir and Barak Medina, Law, Economics, and Morality (Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies, Vol. 3, p. 91, 2011) on SSRN. [read post]
1 Nov 2011, 5:55 pm
Eyal Zamir and Barak Medina (Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law and Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law) have posted Law, Economics, and Morality: Response to Critiques (Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies, Vol. 3, p. 107, 2011) on SSRN. [read post]
5 Apr 2024, 11:32 am
Christoph Engel and Eyal Zamir (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods and Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law) has posted Is Transparency a Blessing or a Curse? [read post]
16 Jul 2018, 7:40 am
Eyal Zamir and Doron Teichman (Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law and Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law) have posted Behavioral Law and Economics - Introduction (Behavioral Law and Economics, Oxford University Press, 2018) on SSRN.... [read post]
1 Sep 2011, 3:00 am
Eyal Zamir (Hebrew University) has posted Loss Aversion and the Law (Vanderbilt Law Review) on SSRN. [read post]
15 Sep 2016, 10:02 am
Eyal Zamir, Elisha Harlev and Ilana Ritov (Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, School of Law, Students and Hebrew University of Jerusalem - School of Education) have posted New Evidence About Circumstantial Evidence (Law... [read post]
3 Jul 2019, 1:56 pm
Eyal Zamir and Roi Yair (Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law and Hebrew University of Jerusalem) have posted Deliberate Ignorance and the Law (Ralph Hertwig and Christoph Engel (eds.) [read post]
22 Jul 2011, 6:15 am
Professors Eyal Zamir (Hebrew University) and Ilana Ritov (Hebrew University) have posted on SSRN a copy of their article, Loss Aversion, Omission Bias, and the Burden of Proof in Civil Litigation. [read post]
15 Jan 2022, 2:17 pm
Daphna Lewinsohn-Zamir (Hebrew University - Faculty of Law), Eyal Zamir (Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law), and Ori Katz (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, School of Law, Students) have published "Giving Reasons as a Means to Enhance Compliance with... [read post]
17 Aug 2021, 10:28 am
Eyal Zamir (Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law) and Doron Teichman (Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law) have published "Mathematics, Psychology, and Law: The Legal Ramifications of the Exponential Growth Bias" on SSRN. [read post]
31 Jan 2012, 10:22 pm
Eyal Zamir (Hebrew Univ.), Barak Medina (Hebrew Univ.), and Uzi Segal (Boston College, Economics) have posted to SSRN their article, The Puzzling Uniformity of Lawyers’ Contingent Fee Rates: An Assortative Matching Solution. [read post]
18 Aug 2021, 1:32 pm
Eyal Zamir (Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law) and Doron Teichman (Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law) have published "Mathematics, Psychology, and Law: The Legal Ramifications of the Exponential Growth Bias" on SSRN. [read post]
23 Jun 2009, 3:14 pm
Eyal Zamir and Barak Medina (Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law and Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law) have posted Private and Public Morality (LAW, ECONOMICS AND MORALITY, Oxford University Press, Forthcoming) on SSRN. [read post]
1 Sep 2011, 1:42 pm
Eyal Zamir (Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law) has posted Loss Aversion and the Law (Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 65, 2012) on SSRN. [read post]
23 Dec 2024, 12:00 am
Eyal Zamir (Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law) has posted Disclosures, Defaults, and Mandatory Rules: Conceptions and Misconceptions (Oxford Handbook of Regulatory Contract Law, Forthcoming) on SSRN. [read post]
23 Jun 2011, 9:56 am
Eyal Zamir and Barak Medina (Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law and Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law) have posted Law, Economics, and Morality: Response to Critiques (Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies, Vol. 3, pp.1-34, 2011) on SSRN. [read post]
1 Nov 2011, 5:51 pm
Here is the abstract:This is Larry Alexander's contribution to the symposium on Eyal Zamir and Barak Medina’s “Law, Economics, and Morality”. [read post]
8 May 2023, 8:55 pm
Doron Teichman (Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law), Avishalom Tor (Notre Dame Law School), & Eyal Zamir (Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Faculty of Law) have posted If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them: Richard Posner and Behavioral Law and Economics (History of Economic Ideas) on SSRN. [read post]
15 Oct 2019, 7:00 am
Eyal Zamir (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) has published "Refounding Law and Economics: Behavioral Support for the Predictions of Standard Economic Analysis" on SSRN. [read post]