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2 Dec 2014, 11:01 am by Benjamin Bissell
The fallout continues to spread from Ferguson. [read post]
26 Nov 2014, 10:53 am by J. Michael Goodson Law Library
Ferguson's "separate but equal" doctrine. [read post]
28 Aug 2014, 4:20 am by Amy Howe
At The Volokh Conspiracy, William Baude discusses Jones v. [read post]
16 Aug 2014, 5:37 am by David Cheifetz
At the opening of the appeal we were advised by counsel that the appellant, William Ferguson, has died since the trial and that an order of revivor has been made. [read post]
17 Jul 2014, 6:20 am
Jennifer Salopek hosts this week's terrific round-up of wonky posts, including David Williams' cool v-logs and Julie Ferguson's update on a lab tragedy that cost a young woman her life.Original content copyright © InsureBlog [read post]
28 May 2014, 3:56 pm by Gustavo Arballo
Ferguson” en el que la Corte Suprema sentara la doctrina de “separados pero iguales”. [read post]
22 May 2014, 6:25 am
■ Julie Ferguson is one of my very favorite blog-buddies: she coordinates the HWR, helps me out when I run into glitches with the Cavalcade of Risk, and always has interesting, thought-provoking posts. [read post]
17 May 2014, 3:05 am by SHG
Ferguson, that separate but equal is constitutional, but for Brown v. [read post]
23 Mar 2014, 9:44 pm by Don Cruse
SANDRA WILLIAMS; STEVE WILLIAMS, No. 13-0338 : A spectator for a girl’s soccer game was injured due to a defect in the stands. [read post]