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27 Aug 2011, 4:34 am by Gregory Dell
(Bridgestone Firestone), Cotton-Lyons, a resident of Rocky Mount, North Carolina, is a qualified, vested member in her employer’s disability insurance plan with Liberty Life. [read post]
27 Jan 2014, 2:48 pm by Jacek Stramski
Firestone, 448 So. 2d 984, 990 (Fla. 1984)). [read post]
7 Jun 2015, 4:08 pm by INFORRM
Russia It is reported that The Moscow City Court has ordered the Hermitage Capital fund, its co-founder William Browder, law firm Firestone Duncan and its co-founder Jamison Firestone to pay a total of 8 million rubles ($143,000) as libel compensation to former Russian police detective Pavel Karpov, who co-investigated the Sergei Magnitsky case. [read post]
15 Nov 2011, 10:06 am by Neil Rosenbaum
” In so holding, the Sixth Circuit echoes other courts (like In re Bridgestone/Firestone and Castano v. [read post]
29 Jun 2009, 2:59 pm
Conkright; Conkright v. [read post]
24 Sep 2009, 5:09 am
Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc., 55 Pa. [read post]
28 Sep 2009, 1:31 am
Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc., 55 Pa. [read post]
28 Sep 2009, 1:31 am
Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc., 55 Pa. [read post]
28 Sep 2009, 1:31 am
Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc., 55 Pa. [read post]
12 Jul 2011, 9:02 am
Circuit majority adopted this approach, holding in Doe v. [read post]
6 Jul 2023, 12:52 am by Eleonora Rosati
The Court referred to the principles set out in General Tire v Firestone Tyre regarding the assessment of “negotiating damages”, namely damages reflecting the sum that would have been agreed between a willing licensor and a willing licensee.In applying General Tire, the Court found that the hypothetical negotiations need to be set in the market as it exists, taking into account the commercial realities of the specific situation. [read post]