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26 Jun 2015, 1:08 pm by John Elwood
University of Texas at Austin, 14-981, picked up its fifth relist; the case involves an Equal Protection Clause challenge to UT’s use of race in undergraduate admissions. [read post]
30 May 2012, 7:43 am by Conor McEvily
Looking ahead to next Term’s oral argument in Fisher v. [read post]
19 Jun 2015, 12:13 pm by John Elwood
University of Texas at Austin, 14-981, involves an Equal Protection Clause challenge to UT’s use of race in undergraduate admissions. [read post]
24 Feb 2012, 6:54 am by Joshua Matz
University of Texas at Austin has prompted heated debates about the future of affirmative action and its likely fate before the Court. [read post]
30 Jan 2012, 1:03 pm by John Elwood
University of Texas at Austin, 11-345 (which asks whether the Equal Protection Clause permits UT Austin’s use of race in undergraduate admissions decisions) is still hangin’ around at the Court. [read post]
23 Feb 2012, 7:34 am by Kiran Bhat
University of Texas at Austin also continued yesterday. [read post]
16 Jun 2013, 3:49 pm by Kedar Bhatia
Bollinger, permit the University of Texas at Austin’s use of race in undergraduate admissions decisions. [read post]
22 Jun 2016, 10:01 am by Amy Howe
University of Texas at Austin (argued December 9, 2015). [read post]
28 Jun 2018, 9:04 am by Eric Citron
University of Texas at Austin, Parents Involved in Community Schools v. [read post]
11 Apr 2016, 6:13 am by Amy Howe
University of Texas at Austin, the challenge to the university’s consideration of race in its undergraduate admissions process. [read post]
23 Nov 2015, 4:37 am by Amy Howe
On Saturday, November 28, C-Span Radio will air the first oral argument in Fisher v. [read post]
31 Jul 2014, 6:05 am by Amy Howe
Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit to reconsider her challenge to the undergraduate admissions policies used by the University of Texas at Austin. [read post]
7 Apr 2014, 7:03 am by Lucie Olejnikova
University of Texas at Austin, in which the petitioner was denied admission to the University because of race. [read post]