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13 Jun 2023, 7:07 pm by Anna Bower
Some other folks, who turn out to work for ABC and the Washington Post, come over as well. [read post]
Before us in the present is a 49-page document docketed as 23-cr-80101 in the Southern District of Florida, conspicuously captioned: United States of America v. [read post]
8 Jun 2023, 11:29 pm by Lawrence Taylor
Ladson (2002): The Florida Supreme Court decision in State v. [read post]
5 Jun 2023, 9:17 am by Eugene Volokh
Celia Ampel, a reporter for the South Florida Daily Business Review, was never sued by MergeworthRX. [read post]
4 Jun 2023, 5:58 pm by Bill Marler
An Introduction to Listeria Listeria (pronounced liss-STEER-ē-uh) is a gram-positive rod-shaped bacterium that can grow under either anaerobic (without oxygen) or aerobic (with oxygen) conditions. [4, 18] Of the six species of Listeria, only L. monocytogenes (pronounced maw-NO-site-aw-JUH-neez) causes disease in humans. [18] These bacteria multiply best at 86-98.6 degrees F (30-37 degrees C), but also multiply better than all other bacteria at refrigerator temperatures, something that… [read post]