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16 Aug 2012, 8:00 pm
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Posts Confusion over the scope of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act continues, as there is now a split within the First Circuit according to Foley & Hoag's Massachusetts Noncompete Blog. [read post]
10 Aug 2012, 5:30 am
Foley Hoag attorneys Michael Keating, David Kluft and Daniel McFadden represented the prevailing judge in this matter. [read post]
2 Aug 2012, 9:55 am
Foley & Hoag's Security, Privacy and The Internet Blog reports on the Obama administration's decision to throw its weight behind Senator Joseph Lieberman's Cybersecurity Act of 2012. [read post]
1 Aug 2012, 5:30 pm
– Boston lawyer Seth Jaffe of Foley Hoag on the firm’s blog, Law & The Environment Medical Malpractice Payments Were At Their Lowest in Over 20 Years – New Jersey lawyer David Cohen of Stark & Stark on the firm’s Nursing Home Law Blog Top 5 Takeaways from MIE’s Annual National Fundraising Conference – Development Associate Karin Romans on their blog, Connecting Justice Communities Sixth Circuit Holds Kentucky Bar… [read post]
31 Jul 2012, 9:29 am
Continue reading »Follow Above the Law on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook.Tags: Arnold & Porter, Baker Donelson, Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz, Biglaw, Carlton Fields, Cleary, Cleary Gottlieb, Debevoise, Debevoise & Plimpton, Diversity, Feminism, Fenwick & West, Finnegan, Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garrett & Dunner LLP, Foley Hoag, Gay, Gender, Hughes Hubbard & Reed, Jenner & Block, Law Firm Diversity, LGBT, Littler Mendelson,… [read post]
26 Jul 2012, 2:45 pm
Brian Bialas has an update in Foley & Hoag's Massachusetts Non-Compete Blog. [read post]
23 Jul 2012, 11:28 am
" We also had Andrea Crews, the Director of Marketing and Business Development for Levenfeld Pearlstein, a mid-size midwestern firm, and Jasmine Trillos-Decarie, the Director of Marketing and Business Development at Foley Hoag. [read post]
19 Jul 2012, 11:24 am
Seth Jaffee, a lawyer following these issues at Foley Hoag in Boston, reported on both the New Mexico case and a case in federal district court in the District of Columbia before the Hon. [read post]
18 Jul 2012, 4:55 am
The Supreme Court decision has given a measure of certainty to employers in planning for the future, and employers welcome this certainty,” said Tom Barker, partner in Foley Hoag. [read post]
13 Jul 2012, 12:30 pm
A New York state court has recently decided to follow Nosal's holding in a short decision dismissing a CFAA claim, reports Foley & Hoag's Massachusetts Non-Compete Blog. [read post]
9 Jul 2012, 5:30 pm
– Boston lawyer Colin Zick of Foley Hoag on the firm’s blog, Security, Privacy and The Law Immigration Egregore: The “Illegal Immigrant” Slur – Los Angeles attorney Angelo Paparelli of Seyfarth Shaw on his blog, Nation of Immigrators Appeals and Post-Trial Relief in Family Law – Denver lawyer Steven Johnston of Pryor Johnson Carney Karr Nixon on his blog, Colorado Family Law Matters Mexico’s New Class Action Law… [read post]
6 Jul 2012, 1:30 am
Alexandra Meise Bay (right), associate, Foley Hoag LLP. [read post]
3 Jul 2012, 4:49 am
Duane Morris in National Review Online: Keep an Eye on Color, and Ignore Character Sheppard Mullin in Small Business Trends: The Truth About Pinterest for Your Small Business Foley Hoag in OTCMarkets: The JOBS Act and its ? [read post]
21 Jun 2012, 7:45 am
In another post about a trade secret case gone wrong, Foley & Hoag's Massachusetts Non-Compete Law Blog reports that the counterclaim arising from the unsuccessful case brought by Brocade Communications against its former employee, David Cheung, has been dismissed. [read post]
16 Jun 2012, 5:42 am
In 2001, a transition to the private sector took Professor Cherry to the Boston firm of Foley Hoag LLP, where she practiced corporate law with an emphasis on mergers and acquisitions, securities compliance filings, venture capital, and private debt financing. [read post]
15 Jun 2012, 5:30 pm
Setting Defaults for Privacy Online – Boston lawyer Colin Zick of Foley Hoag on the firm’s blog, Security, Privacy and The Law Sandusky’s Lawyers Making Best Of Bad Situation – Oregon, Illinois lawyer Don Delbert on his blog, the Illinois Criminal Defender Voice No Sweet Deal Yet for American Crystal Sugar – Arden Hills, Minnesota lawyer Marylee Abrams of Abrams & Schmidt on the firm’s Minnesota Labor &… [read post]
15 Jun 2012, 1:05 pm
Editor’s note: Foley Hoag served as the independent auditor for Microsoft Corporation during Phase II of the Global Network Initiative's implementation process. [read post]
6 Jun 2012, 5:30 pm
– Washington, DC lawyer Vivek Krishnamurthy of Foley Hoag on their blog, Corporate Social Responsibility & The Law NFL Labor Strife Round II: League Talks With Referees Break Down – Phoenix lawyer Gregg Clifton of Jackson Lewis on the firm’s Collegiate & Professional Sports Law Blog Jerry Sandusky’s Trial starts: Will he haunt Joe Paterno’s Legacy? [read post]
6 Jun 2012, 12:00 pm
Editor’s note: Foley Hoag served as the independent auditor for Microsoft Corporation during Phase II of the Global Network Initiative's implementation process. [read post]
1 Jun 2012, 3:22 pm
Lamb of Valorem Law Group at his blog, In Search of Perfect Client Service Two Strikes Against Common Law Approaches to Climate Change: The Atmosphere Is Not A Public Trust – Boston lawyer Seth Jaffe of Foley Hoag on the firm’s blog, Law & The Environment You Think Trade Secrets Are Important? [read post]