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31 Mar 2017, 1:20 pm by Francesca Blackard
By Francesca Blackard McClure Law Group, PC is proud to announce that both partners, Robert Epstein and Francesca Blackard have been voted by their peers as Texas Rising Stars for 2017 in Super Lawyers Magazine and Texas Monthly Magazine. [read post]
31 Mar 2017, 1:20 pm by Francesca Blackard
By Francesca Blackard McClure Law Group, PC is proud to announce that both partners, Robert Epstein and Francesca Blackard have been voted by their peers as Texas Rising Stars for 2017 in Super Lawyers Magazine and Texas Monthly Magazine. [read post]
6 Aug 2018, 11:37 pm by Francesca Blackard
By Francesca Blackard A spouse who improperly spends large amounts of community assets without the other spouse’s knowledge or consent may receive a smaller share of the remaining community estate during a Texas divorce. [read post]
25 Mar 2020, 7:30 am by Francesca Blackard
By Francesca Blackard As cases of COVID-19 are continually popping up in the North Texas region (currently 155 confirmed cases in Dallas County and growing) and with the recent “Stay Home Stay Safe” Order that went into effect at 11:59 PM on March 23, 2020, parents are scrambling to find reliable answers to their questions regarding possession schedules and quarantine, as well as concerns about child support. [read post]
19 Mar 2018, 12:33 am by Francesca Blackard
By Francesca Blackard In Texas spousal maintenance cases, the trial court has wide discretion in dividing the estate. [read post]
7 Sep 2018, 4:58 pm by Francesca Blackard
By Francesca Blackard Enforcing a child support order against a person who fails or refuses to pay can become time-consuming and expensive. [read post]
18 May 2020, 7:00 am by Francesca Blackard
By Francesca Blackard Although courts are still open and conducting Zoom hearings, there is no doubt that many court cases are moving along more slowly than otherwise desired as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. [read post]
2 Aug 2017, 3:36 pm by Francesca Blackard
By Francesca Blackard In a recent Texas appeal, a father appealed a judgment that awarded the mother post-majority expenses for their child. [read post]
3 Jul 2019, 7:00 am by Francesca Blackard
By Francesca Blackard Parents have a duty to support their minor children and generally cannot avoid that duty through intentional unemployment or underemployment. [read post]
16 Oct 2017, 2:57 pm by Francesca Blackard
By Francesca Blackard In a recent Texas divorce case, a couple was divorced in 2006. [read post]
17 May 2018, 1:10 am by Francesca Blackard
By Francesca Blackard Dividing property is an important aspect of the divorce process. [read post]
28 Nov 2018, 7:22 pm by Francesca Blackard
By Francesca Blackard A parent can seek enforcement of the custody provisions of a court order through contempt of court. [read post]
28 Aug 2019, 7:59 am by Francesca Blackard
By Francesca Blackard In a Texas divorce case, a mediated settlement agreement (MSA) that meets the requirements set forth in the Texas Family Code is binding and cannot be revoked. [read post]
9 Jun 2016, 7:44 am by Francesca Blackard
By Francesca Blackard Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are flooding the media with news of their divorce and allegations of family violence. [read post]
4 Sep 2017, 2:37 pm by Francesca Blackard
By Francesca Blackard In a recent Texas divorce case, the plaintiff appealed from a trial court order related to property division in a divorce. [read post]
21 Jun 2017, 10:37 am by Francesca Blackard
By Francesca Blackard A recent Texas appellate decision arose from the appeal of a divorce. [read post]
20 Apr 2017, 11:07 am by Francesca Blackard
By Francesca Blackard Yes, step-parents could have standing to bring a claim under Texas Family Code Section 102.003(11), often referred to as the “step-parent” statute. [read post]
17 May 2018, 1:10 am by Francesca Blackard
By Francesca Blackard Dividing property is an important aspect of the divorce process. [read post]