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29 Jul 2008, 2:19 pm
" At Madisonian, Frank Pasquale also wonders about whether copyright protects the Scrabble board, but that the similarity between the marks seems like to lead to a likelihood of confusion, Absolutely Scrabulous: "But that still leaves the elephant in the room%u2013the substantial similarity between Scrabulous and the mark Scrabble. [read post]
6 Apr 2008, 4:42 pm
In addition, Professors Ann Bartow, Al Brophy, Jack Chin, Dan Filler, Brett Frischmann, Christine Hurt, Rick Garnett, Greg Lastowka, Orly Lobel, Mike Madison, Nate Oman, Frank Pasquale, Larry Solum, and Fred Yen will also share their thoughts on the topic. [read post]
25 Dec 2009, 3:20 am
Jeff Gamso, Marc John Randazza, Mark Draughn, Joel Rosenberg, Brian Tannebaum, Carolyn Elefant, Eric Turkewitz, Norm Pattis, Eugene Volokh, Orin Kerr, Ken and Patrick, Mike Cernovich, Ken Lammers, Matt Brown, Scott Henson, Walter Olson, Charon, Radley Balko, Geeklawyer, Jamie Spencer, Jon Katz, Jonathon "I Don't Need No Stinkin' Links" Turley, Tom Goldstrin and Lyle Denniston, Dan Harris, Ron Coleman, Colin Samuels, Douglas Berman, Dave Hoffman, Frank Pasquale,… [read post]
20 Feb 2009, 11:28 am
HT: Frank Pasquale [read post]
26 Oct 2010, 9:55 am
As Frank Pasquale noted last month, Tulane Law professor Alan Childress is successfully launching a valuable publishing program featuring modern dissemination methods for classic legal texts. [read post]
2 Oct 2008, 2:02 pm
Cette séance présidée par l'honorable Juge Johanne GAUTHIER (Cour fédérale) met en scène les excellents panellistes suivants: Droit d’auteur - Frank PASQUALE (Seton Hall - NJ) Libertés publiques - Karim BENYEKHLEF (Professeur – UDM) Droit de la vie privée - Pierre TRUDEL (Professeur – UDM) Droit d’auteurM. [read post]
29 Jul 2008, 11:54 am
(H/T: Frank Pasquale at CoOp). [read post]
28 Jun 2022, 9:56 am
Citron (University of Virginia), Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz (European University Institute), Frank Pasquale (Brooklyn Law School), Teresa Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell (University Carlos III of Madrid), Giovanni Sartor (European University Institute), Reiner Schulze (University of Münster), Gunther Teubner (Frankfurt University), Yingqin Zheng (University of London). [read post]
27 Aug 2008, 7:32 am
L’Association internationale des jeunes avocats (AIJA), la Section « International Law » de l’American Bar Association (ABA), le Ministère de la Justice du Canada et le Ministère de la Justice du Québec sont aussi de la partie afin de nous offrir des présentations des intervenants suivants:BENYEKHLEF, Karim (Professeur - Directeur du CRDP)CHANDLER, Jennifer (Professeure - Université d’Ottawa - Section de common law)DUCHESNE,… [read post]
28 Jun 2022, 9:56 am
Citron (University of Virginia), Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz (European University Institute), Frank Pasquale (Brooklyn Law School), Teresa Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell (University Carlos III of Madrid), Giovanni Sartor (European University Institute), Reiner Schulze (University of Münster), Gunther Teubner (Frankfurt University), Yingqin Zheng (University of London). [read post]
29 May 2009, 10:02 pm
The op-ed has been cited favorably by commentators ranging from the predictably-tiresome-and-unlikely-to-know-better (Frank Pasquale) to the informative-but-reflexively-pro-regulation (James Kwak) to the always-interesting-and-not-normally-in the-company-of-the-likes-of-Frank-Pasquale (Marc Hodak). [read post]
9 Feb 2007, 4:05 pm
Frank Pasquale weighs in with a predictable post about how wonderful the world would be if we just regulated his (perfect) vision of the world, but Josh pretty handily skewers his musings. [read post]
5 Jan 2013, 10:13 am
Pasquale, Seton Hall University School of Law Marina L. [read post]
2 Mar 2012, 10:40 am
” From another perspective, on these (web)pages, Frank Pasquale has argued that Occupy is in some ways conservative. [read post]
26 Apr 2011, 6:05 am
Frank Pasquale of Balkinization explains that “while IMS v. [read post]
22 Sep 2008, 5:10 pm
” Introduced by Congressman Bob Goodlatte (bio) Frank Pasquale, Associate Professor of Law at Seton Hall Law School (bio) Lauren Gelman, Executive Director and Lecturer of Law at Stanford Law (bio) “Can ISP Immunity Survive the Onslaught of Web 2.0″ General welcoming from Congressman Mike Honda (bio) Introduced by Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (bio) Mike Fertik, CEO of Reputation Defender (bio) Dan Dougherty, eBay(bio) “The Movement of… [read post]
17 May 2015, 10:13 am
If you would rather hear, than read, me drone on about the Facebook and OkCupid experiments (and some other recent digital research, including Apple's ResearchKit and the University of Michigan's Facebook app-based GWAS, "Genes for Good," as well as learning healthcare systems and the future of human subjects research) you may do so by listening to episode 9 of Nic Terry's and Frank Pasquale terrific new weekly podcast, This Week in Health Law. [read post]
4 Jun 2007, 3:56 pm
Right now I'm preparing to leave town again for a conference, but will blog shortly on a series of great posts by Frank Pasquale on Concurring Opinions. [read post]
15 Sep 2008, 6:21 pm
(Check out some other lists of 5 in this meme from Frank Pasquale, Mike Madison, and Ann Bartow.) [read post]
28 Aug 2008, 3:17 am
I give you from Frank Pasquale's post at Concurring Opinions today -- Inspiration and Realism in Denver -- the pessimistic part from Patricia J. [read post]