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6 Oct 2022, 4:00 am by William A. Jacobson
The post Fuzzy Slippers 10th Anniversary at Legal Insurrection first appeared on Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion. [read post]
27 Oct 2020, 7:18 pm by Nancy Yaffe
It may be the season for a pumpkin latte and too much candy, or finally breaking out those soft sweaters and fuzzy slippers as the weather starts to chill (even in Los Angeles). [read post]
11 Sep 2013, 8:52 pm
The slipper at issue has a fuzzy interior for comfort—again, a functional characteristic that many slippers share. [read post]
12 Jan 2024, 4:57 am
Or was it too hard for the media to make sense of a grandmother who seemed to prefer Manolos to fuzzy slippers?... [read post]
28 Dec 2018, 6:27 am by Michael S. Levine and David M. Costello
  In High Point Design LLC v LM Insurance Corporation, the plaintiff High Point brought a declaratory-judgment action against Buyer’s Direct, Inc. after the latter directed High Point to cease-and-desist in the sale of its Fuzzy Babba slippers. [read post]
9 Mar 2016, 8:30 am by azatty
” Besides that, we see attorneys are also comfortable with Linkedin, which on the social media spectrum is a warm blanket and fuzzy slippers. [read post]
30 Jul 2015, 2:09 pm by Lawrence B. Ebert
Specifically, the court’sdescription does little more than point out the mainconcepts of the claimed design: a structured slipperhaving fuzzy material at the foot opening. [read post]
3 Jan 2012, 1:46 pm
Break Out The Sweaters, Slippers and Long JohnsInstead of blasting your thermostat up, just break out all your sweaters, sweatshirts, long johns, fuzzy socks, slippers and blankets. [read post]
30 Mar 2016, 8:57 am by David Oxenford
Interested parties can sit around in their PJs and fuzzy slippers, over their morning cup of coffee, and determine if your station has met its obligations. [read post]
18 Nov 2020, 4:59 am by Woodruff Family Law Group
It can be simply feeling grateful for a pair of warm fuzzy slippers to wear during the winter months or a warm plate of food at dinner. [read post]
22 Dec 2011, 7:11 am by Lauren Roso
They’re fuzzy and cozy and getting them their own pair will keep them from stealing yours. 3Robotic Vacuums. [read post]
21 Mar 2012, 5:33 pm
This outfit is my equivalent of wearing pjs and slippers to work. [read post]
29 Jul 2010, 9:52 am by HumaRashid
And I bet most of us only wear high heels because coming into the office in fuzzy Monty Python Killer Rabbit slippers is frowned upon. [read post]
28 Jul 2022, 10:27 am by Lazar Radic
I slide my feet into the bedroom slippers and mechanically chaperone my body to the coffee machine in the living room. [read post]
15 Jul 2020, 10:33 am by James S. Friedman, LLC
  Depending on the angle of their computer screen, a grand juror may not even have to dress formally, but can instead wear their PJs and fuzzy bedroom slippers. [read post]
26 Apr 2012, 9:01 am by admin
  Though many are the times I’ve warned them, China’s leaders have not heard this, and they are about to find out, as reported in the Minneapolis Star Tribune:   Hangzhou, China – At work on their computers in their quilted pajamas and fuzzy slippers, Han Zhixiang and his wife look the picture of newlywed contentment in the affordable housing apartment they sometimes share with her parents. [read post]
6 Aug 2015, 11:03 am by Rebecca Tushnet
  Fuzzy slipper (no infringement but valid). [read post]
14 Nov 2016, 6:16 am by Rebecca Tushnet
Cir. 2013): trial court said all major characteristics of fuzzy slipper were functional. [read post]