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31 May 2007, 5:01 am
New posts from public defender since Wednesday morning:Arbitrary and Capricious audacity Blonde Justice Caminiqua and Davious Capital Defense Weekly Gideon's Guardians the imbroglio Infinity Ranch Jay Kansas Defenders Mark Corwin Bruce a public defender The Rural Bus Route Swan Lake Samba Girl Third Circuit Federal Defender Blog Fourth Circuit Federal Defender Blog... [read post]
10 Mar 2009, 2:52 pm
(I prefer the on-line headline: "Overturning Gideon v Wainwright by Stealth") [read post]
2 Jul 2018, 11:05 am
Abstract below: In Gideon v. [read post]
2 Apr 2012, 3:31 pm
Isn't it cool that Lewis adapted Gideon's Trumpet so kids could learn about the Supreme Court and the right to counsel? [read post]
14 Dec 2009, 8:53 pm
Gideon, you had me at douchebag. [read post]
29 May 2020, 8:15 am
Here is the abstract: In The Age of Culpability, Gideon Yaffe argues that all... [read post]
13 Mar 2020, 6:59 am
Yuval Feldman (Bar-Ilan University), Adi Libson (Bar-Ilan University), and Gideon Parchomovsky (University of Pennsylvania Law School) have published "Corporate Law for Good People" on SSRN. [read post]
21 Mar 2010, 7:22 pm
Abraham Bell (San Diego & Bar Ilan) and Gideon Parchomovsky (Penn & Bar Ilan) have posted The Hidden Function of Takings Compensation. [read post]
12 May 2011, 7:17 pm
Heather Baxter (Nova Southeastern University - Shepard Broad Law Center) has posted Gideon’s Ghost: Providing the Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel in Times of Budgetary Crisis (Michigan State Law Review, Vol. 2010, p. 341, 2010) on SSRN. [read post]
24 May 2012, 3:31 pm
Gideon Yaffe, Professor of Philosophy and Law at the University of Southern California has accepted a senior offer from Yale Law School, effective July 1. [read post]
14 Nov 2008, 2:37 pm
Gideon Parchomovsky (Penn) and Alex Stein (Cardozo) have recently posted "Torts and Innovation" on NELLCO. [read post]
17 Jul 2019, 10:20 am
Here is the abstract: Professor Gideon Yaffe’s recent, intricately argued... [read post]
21 Sep 2022, 7:31 am
Olinda Moyd (WCL Clinical Programs) has posted In the Shadow of Gideon: No Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel at Parole Revocation Hearings (6 Howard Human and Civil Rights Law Review,31 (2021)) on SSRN. [read post]
10 Dec 2007, 7:09 am
Gideon Kanner also has two posts on the case, here and here. [read post]
25 Mar 2013, 10:03 am
He published a number of books including the influential Gideon's Trumpet, which explained... [read post]
15 Dec 2006, 6:07 am
From Jack at Gideon's Guardians:Tonight I helped twelve people save a man's life and it feels pretty damn good.I never thought I'd be thrilled to hear the words, "life in prison without the possibility of parole" but I am. [read post]
23 Aug 2012, 5:09 pm
Jonathan Rapping (Atlanta's John Marshall Law School) has posted Redefining Success as a Public Defender: A Rallying Cry for Those Most Committed to Gideon's Promise (The Champion, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, p. 30, June 2012) on SSRN. [read post]
9 Apr 2015, 8:30 pm
Laurin (University of Texas School of Law) has posted Gideon by the Numbers: The Emergence of Evidence-Based Practice in Indigent Defense (Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law, Forthcoming) on SSRN. [read post]
21 May 2020, 5:49 pm
Jones (Vanderbilt University - Law School & Dept. of Biological Sciences), Read Montague (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University - Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute), and Gideon Yaffe (Yale Law School) have posted "Detecting Mens Rea in the... [read post]
26 May 2013, 6:10 pm
Here is the abstract: Gideon versus Wainwright heralded a new age in American criminal prosecutions. [read post]