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5 Jun 2013, 4:01 pm by CrimProf BlogEditor
Giovanna Shay (Western New England University School of Law) has posted The New State Post-Conviction (Akron Law Review, Vol. 46, pp. 473-488, 2013) on SSRN. [read post]
21 Jan 2014, 10:12 am by CrimProf BlogEditor
Giovanna Shay (Western New England University School of Law) has posted [Including But Not Limited To] Violence Against Women (Southwestern University Law Review, Vol. 42, p. 801, 2013) on SSRN. [read post]
21 May 2008, 11:44 am
Western New England CrimProf Giovanna Shay has published Initiating a New Constitutional Dialogue: The Increased Importance under AEDPA of Seeking Certiorari from Judgments of State Courts on SSRN; it will be published in the William and Mary Law Review. [read post]
3 Jun 2011, 5:16 am by John Steele
Giovanna Shay, at Prawfsblawg, has a nice post about a topic we briefly posted about recently: teaching Brady in PR courses. [read post]
1 Feb 2013, 1:12 pm by Dan Markel
I'm also pleased to welcome back our alums: Giovanna Shay (WNE); Bill Araiza (Brooklyn); Michael Mannheimer (NKU). [read post]
7 Aug 2014, 9:45 am by Thaddeus Hoffmeister
Giovanna Shay       Abstract:      This is the first law review article to examine transcripts, court filings, and published opinions about jury voir dire on attitudes toward same-sex sexuality and LGBT issues. [read post]
4 Feb 2013, 8:19 am by GiovannaShay
Giovanna Shay from Western New England University School of Law signing on for a guest spot in February--thanks to Dan and all at prawfs! [read post]
26 Oct 2011, 1:14 pm by Giovanna Shay
Giovanna Shay is an Associate Professor of Law at Western New England University School of Law. [read post]
28 Oct 2008, 7:14 pm
Thanks to this post at Co-op, I see there are these  two must-reads for sentencing fans appearing in the October 2008 issue of the William  & Mary Law Review: Giovanna Shay & Christopher Lasch, Initiating a New Constitutional Dialogue: The Increased Importance Under AEDPA of Seeking Certiorari from Judgments of State Courts David C. [read post]
29 Jul 2011, 9:13 pm by uwlegalscholarship
If you’d like more information before then, feel free to contact Giovanna Shay at sr [read post]
29 Jun 2011, 7:33 am by Dan Filler
A call for Submissions will be released later this summer but you can contact Giovanna Shay at gshay[at]law[dot]wne[dot]edu for more info. [read post]
30 Mar 2007, 9:40 am
"  Available at this link, here is part of ACS's account of this new work: In this paper, [Margo] Schlanger and [Giovanna] Shay argue that certain provisions of the PLRA undermine the rule of law by shielding corrections officials from accountability even in situations in which law violations are clear. [read post]
28 Oct 2008, 5:35 pm
Knoll, The Taxation of Private Equity Carried Interests: Estimating the Revenue Effects of Taxing Profit Interests as Ordinary Income Nancy Morawetz, Rethinking Drug Inadmissibility Giovanna Shay & Christopher Lasch, Initiating a New Constitutional Dialogue: The Increased Importance Under AEDPA of Seeking Certiorari from Judgments of State Courts Notes David C. [read post]
30 Apr 2010, 9:04 am by Dan Markel
In any event, we're excited to welcome two new voices to Prawfs this month: Vlad Perju from Boston College Law and Giovanna Shay from WNEC. [read post]
11 Jul 2007, 2:47 pm
Giovanna Shay and Christopher Lasch had these comments concerning the proposed changes to the Supreme Court rules, in which they suggest that all pleadings in cases with counsel ought to be submitted online. [read post]
23 Apr 2012, 1:52 pm by Sasha Volokh
Also, speaking of prison vouchers, Giovanna Shay of Western New England School of Law has a response to my prison vouchers article up on PENNumbra, One Market We Do Not Need. [read post]
3 Nov 2011, 1:52 pm by Steve Hall
Thaler: Justices focus on COA issue," by Giovanna Shay. [read post]