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20 May 2010, 2:39 pm
The granted issue is similar to the issue that CAAF granted in the funky cold Medina case, No. 10-0262/AF, on 30 March, which we noted here. [read post]
29 Apr 2019, 8:53 am
Mandatory grants often are “formula” or “block” grants. [read post]
5 Aug 2010, 3:24 pm
Here are the granted issues in United States v. [read post]
10 Nov 2008, 5:29 pm
Today's CAAF Daily Journal update included four grants, one of which we already discussed here. [read post]
26 Mar 2018, 6:34 am
The Grants committee is currently accepting applications for both of these grants. [read post]
28 Nov 2008, 2:07 pm
Of interest: The updated NSF Grants Policy Guide (GPG) describes two new grant programs that will, collectively, replace the old Small Grants for Exploratory Research (SGER) funding mechanism. [read post]
5 Jan 2018, 4:00 am
These include:Grants: Albert Beveridge grant for research in the history of the AmericasMichael Kraus research grant for colonial American historyLittleton-Griswold grant for US legal historyBernadotte E. [read post]
6 May 2016, 8:48 am
Congratulations to the following VALL members for being award grants to attend the AALL Annual Meeting in Chicago in July:The Barbara Cummings Grant; AALL Chapter Registration Grant:Alison HancockWilliams MullenVALL Grants:Greg StonerMcGuireWoodsJason ZarinUniversity of Richmond School of Law LibraryAlex JakubowUniversity of Virginia School of Law LibraryAs a condition of receiving the grants each recipient will be writing an article for the blog about their experiences at… [read post]
20 May 2019, 9:52 am
Congratulations to the following for being awarded grants:VALL/AALL Grant: Ashley Vavra (Virginia Supreme Court)AALL Chapter Registration Grant: Molly Lentz-Meyer (University of Richmond Law Library)Barbara Cumming Grant: Megan Scanlon (Williams Mullen)We look forward to reading about their articles on VALLTalk in the very near future! [read post]
18 Oct 2013, 8:30 am
Set for argument December 5th Rehearing granted The Court granted rehearing for TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF AGING AND DISABILITY SERVICES A/K/A BRENHAM STATE SCHOOL, ANTHONY V. [read post]
8 May 2018, 2:45 pm
The deadline to apply for this grant is June 7th.Find out more about these two important grants and your eligibility here:Career Advancement Grant and Colorado Creates Grant. [read post]
21 Jun 2010, 7:44 am
The VALL grant application deadline has been extended to July 1. [read post]
26 Jan 2009, 3:32 pm
No, "Grants Galore" isn't a character in an Ian Fleming novel. [read post]
11 Aug 2011, 12:33 pm
Generally manufacturers with fewer than 500 employees are eligible to apply for a grant. [read post]
25 Feb 2025, 11:06 am
Crucially, the tax bill applies to grants used to cover front-end costs relating to construction of a broadband network, with taxes likely due on the grant before revenues ramp up. [read post]
30 Apr 2010, 6:38 am
Compliments of Grant Thornton! [read post]
23 Apr 2009, 11:17 pm
Isabel was awarded the LexisNexis Librarian Relations-sponsored VALL grant to AALL. [read post]
7 Jan 2011, 1:15 pm
Lyle’s summary of the grants is here. [read post]
27 Jan 2021, 6:15 am
The Wisconsin Supreme Court has granted reinstatement to suspended attorneys in two unrelated matters. [read post]
6 Jan 2011, 7:14 pm
The granted issue in United States v. [read post]