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3 Jan 2020, 11:10 am by Anthony Zaller
Mueller of the Eastern District of California issued a temporary restraining order barring enforcement of AB 51. [read post]
7 Jul 2017, 8:05 am by Florian Mueller
The announcement also mentioned a companion complaint filed with the United States District Court for the Southern District of California in San Diego (this post continues below the document): 17-07-06 Qualcomm v. [read post]
15 Aug 2019, 3:31 am by Florian Mueller
Koh's court in the Northern District of California (this post continues below the document):19-08-15 Joint Case Managem... by Florian Mueller on ScribdThe next important date in this case is August 21. [read post]
18 Jun 2020, 11:40 pm by Schachtman
Food and Drug Administration announced the revocation of its emergency use authorization for chloroquine and hydroxychlorine (HCQ).[1] The FDA had originally granted the emergency use authorization for HCQ, on March 28, 2020, but its continued review found that the drug was “unlikely to be effective at treating COVID-19” and the potential risks of HCQ use outweigh any potential benefits. [read post]
16 Mar 2017, 3:35 pm by Florian Mueller
Stalling is something else: even though the Chief Justice of the United States had granted Samsung an extension until March 29 for a petition for writ of certiorari (request for Supreme Court review) relating to the second California Apple v. [read post]
1 Jun 2017, 11:49 am by Jack Sharman
Read the full article: How Congress Could Cripple Robert Mueller. [read post]
8 Jan 2012, 7:56 pm
Begging the question, does the next age in software protection belong to copyright (see Apple v Psystar, Oracle v Google)? [read post]
25 May 2017, 8:38 am by Florian Mueller
However, Qualcomm entered into the obligation to grant FRAND licenses to its standard-essential patents to everyone. [read post]
7 Sep 2019, 2:13 am by Florian Mueller
Aug. 17, 1992) (granting Continental AG's motion to dismiss for insufficient service and requiring service under Hague Convention); see also Leon v. [read post]
30 Jun 2008, 10:00 am
TTABlogger Receives Refusable Offer From "Patent Trademark Register" Guest Comment: Pamela Chestek on the TTAB's Bose v. [read post]