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26 Nov 2024, 12:16 pm by Westendorf & Khalaf, PLLC
W&K has obtained the full trial transcripts for your enjoyment and education:  Judge Plowman: This is the matter of Commonwealth v. [read post]
3 Jul 2012, 2:11 am by Blog  Editorial
  In relation to control, no material difference as regards the position of the state. 15.07: Thomas de la Mare QC takes the Court through the cases of Barnado and Mallin v Clark. [read post]
The Commonwealth of Australia Friday filed adeclarations of intervention in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) case of Ukraine v. [read post]
6 Apr 2022, 12:03 pm by Unknown
Federal Courts Bulletin Oertwich v. [read post]
20 Jan 2016, 7:00 am by Samantha Knights, Matrix
Of interest to constitutional lawyers, the Court embarked upon a detailed consideration of an earlier decision in Quark Fishing Ltd v UK, App. [read post]
12 Dec 2017, 12:00 pm
”The court found none of the above circumstances present, explaining, “[Plaintiff] has not advanced any facts to show that the forum selection clause specifically was obtained by fraud or overreaching…[and Plaintiff] offered no evidence that it will be gravely inconvenient or that it would be unfair to litigate this case in the forum state to which it agreed. [read post]
26 Jun 2018, 4:58 pm by Will Baude
The one earlier judicial reference I could find was in a dissent to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's 1943 decision in Commonwealth v. [read post]
8 Aug 2017, 5:06 am by Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Glassman
  This law, which has been applied in various other states, was addressed in a landmark case in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts entitled Diaz v. [read post]