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16 Aug 2009, 9:51 pm
An i 4 and i Last week the AmeriKat spent five minutes standing in front of a Sainsbury's self-check out trying to identify a green oblong vegetable in her hand. [read post]
25 Jun 2009, 5:39 pm
Green Bullion Financial Services, LLC v. [read post]
7 May 2009, 10:17 am
  To me we should be encouraging addressing thousands of historically contaminated sites that liter our urban landscapes. [read post]
2 Jun 2008, 12:02 pm
The court also rejected the argument that the appointment of PCAOB members violates the Appointments Clause of the Constitution, which empowers the President to appoint officers of the U.S., while allowing Congress to vest the appointment of inferior officers as heads of departments (Free Enterprise Fund, et al. v. [read post]
12 Feb 2008, 9:03 pm
Bien literal: por algo los chicos de green bag pusieron su muñequito parado arriba del diccionario Webster.Y dice: ¿Es realmente tan fácil sostener que golpearle la cara a alguien para averiguar donde escondió la bomba que está por estallar en Los Angeles es algo prohibido por la Constitución? [read post]
25 Jan 2008, 10:25 am
Decisions in Argued Cases Arkoma Basin Exploration Co. v. [read post]
14 Oct 2007, 5:01 pm
Blog Action Day and the EnvironmentToday is Blog Action Day which intends to invite global reflection on a topic that is growing, both literally and figuratively, hotter: the environment. [read post]
28 Aug 2007, 10:00 am
., litigation partner at Robinson Brog Leinwand Greene Genovese & Gluck P.C. [read post]
8 Jan 2007, 1:56 am
Green NEW YORK COUNTYAttorney's FeesOutgoing Counsel Never Discharged for Cause; Entitled to 40% of Legal Fees in Instant Action Vallejo v. [read post]