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6 Aug 2024, 6:10 am by Norman L. Eisen
In a 6-3 decision that split along conservative-liberal lines, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote a majority opinion that promulgated a new three-tier framework: (a) absolute immunity for acts exercised within the president’s exclusive “core constitutional powers”; (b) at least “presumptive immunity” for all other official acts; and (c) no immunity for unofficial acts. [read post]
27 Jun 2024, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
An archetypal statement of neo-Garrisonian views of the Constitution of 1787 is the statement by legal historian Gregory Ablavsky, that “constitutional law’s subsequent nationalism, racism, and imperialism were all present at [its] creation. [read post]
10 Apr 2024, 9:01 pm by Leslie C. Griffin
In 2020, Bishop Gregory did not refuse communion to Joe Biden. [read post]
27 Mar 2024, 3:39 pm by Guest Author
Our constitutional order contains an “anti-power-accumulation principle. [read post]
16 Jan 2024, 1:19 pm by Kevin LaCroix
But this self-serving relationship between activist short-sellers and entrepreneurial plaintiff officers of the court is conflict-ridden and hinders the fact finder’s impartiality when a short report forms the basis for lead plaintiffs’ alleged violations of the federal securities laws under Section 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act and U.S. [read post]
11 Dec 2023, 9:05 pm by renholding
Striving to better, oft we mar what’s well — William Shakespeare, King Lear (1606) The Delaware Court of Chancery has, for more than a century, honed unparalleled expertise in a unique body of corporate law based on equity – and is thus adaptable enough to address injustice. [read post]
4 Dec 2023, 1:42 pm by Amy Howe
(William Hennessy) Justice Brett Kavanaugh was the most sympathetic to Purdue’s position. [read post]
4 Nov 2023, 9:09 pm by Ilana Korchia
Hepatitis A outbreaks associated with fresh, frozen, and minimally processed produce, worldwide, from 1983 to 2016—adapted and expanded from Sivapalasingam et al., 2004 and Fiore, 2004. [read post]
9 Oct 2023, 5:00 am by Alden Abbott
The “inadequate enforcement” narrative (applied to both merger and non-merger transactions) has been examined, seriously critiqued, and found wanting by renowned antitrust scholars, such as William Kovacic and Timothy Muris (both former FTC chairmen). [read post]
13 Jul 2023, 12:06 pm by Legal Aggregate
In this annual roundup, we offer highlights of the commentary and insight that Stanford Law School faculty members provided on key SCOTUS decisions during this year’s term (beginning October 2022). [read post]
28 Jun 2023, 7:06 am by Emmanuel Didier
 Oxford Studies in Private Law Theory: Volume IIPaul B. [read post]
27 Jun 2023, 1:28 am by Seán Binder
” James Gregory and Sarah Rainsford report for BBC News. [read post]
10 Apr 2023, 12:16 pm by Avery Schmitz
The event featured Enrique Manalo, secretary of foreign affairs for the Republic of the Philippines; Gregory B. [read post]