Search for: "Gyi Tsakalakis" Results 121 - 123 of 123
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19 Jan 2010, 8:00 am by Gyi Tsakalakis
New Contributor: Gyi Tsakalakis is a post from: Lawyerist Related posts:New Contributor: Nena Street, Dorsey & Whitney associate and mentor New contributor: Josh Camson, law student and nerd extraordinaire New contributor: Steve Marchese, career development consultant [read post]
16 Dec 2009, 4:30 am
Gyi Tsakalakis is a lawyer internet marketing consultant and co-founder of AttorneySync. [read post]
4 Dec 2009, 3:13 pm by Margaret Grisdela
You can view a very informative video on the AttorneySync site titled Your Law Firm and the Google Ad Auction.In just 9 minutes you will hear the Google Chief Economist explain key factors behind quality scores (hint: click-thru rates, relevance, and landing page quality), ad rank, and cost per click pricing.Thanks to LinkedIn member Argyrios (Gyi) Tsakalakis of Apcero, LLC for bringing this to our attention. [read post]