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16 Feb 2011, 12:22 am
The next round of the battle between the State and those who build houses in breach of planning controls is scheduled to be heard in the case of Welwyn Hatfield Council v the Secretary of State in the Supreme Court on 7 February 2011. [read post]
3 Feb 2010, 2:11 am by sally
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and another [2010] EWCA Civ 26; [2010] WLR (D) 19 “Where planning permission had been granted for the erection of a building for storing agricultural products but the building after erection had been used only as a single dwellinghouse, there had been a change of use of the building to that of a dwellinghouse for the purposes of s 171B(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act… [read post]
9 Feb 2010, 2:06 am by sally
Welwyn Hatfield Council v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and Another Court of Appeal “A local planning authority could not bring enforcement proceedings against the unlawful construction of a dwelling house on a farm in breach of planning permission which was granted for the purpose of erecting a barn. [read post]
21 Mar 2016, 2:45 pm by scanner1
., POINT HATFIELD, and CHARLIE HAMP, Plaintiffs, Appellees, and Cross-Appellants, v. [read post]
25 Feb 2016, 1:47 pm by scanner1
., POINT HATFIELD, and CHARLIE HAMP, Plaintiffs, Appellees, and Cross-Appellants, v. [read post]
12 Sep 2012, 8:23 am by scanner1
., POINT HATFIELD, and CHARLIE HAMP, Plaintiffs, Appellees, and Cross-Appellants, v. [read post]
7 Apr 2011, 2:59 am by sally
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and another [2011] UKSC15; [2011] WLR (D) 125 “It was contrary to public policy that a person who had obtained planning permission for the building of a barn, but who had throughout intended to and did build a dwelling house disguised as a barn, and who had by deception concealed his breach of planning permission for four years from the planning authorities, should be able to… [read post]
15 Feb 2011, 10:19 am
There only one case listed in the Supreme Court this week: Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government v Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council. [read post]
7 Apr 2011, 1:46 am by sally
Supreme Court Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and another v Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council [2011] UKSC 15 (6 April 2011) Farstad Supply AS v Enviroco Ltd [2011] UKSC 16 (6 April 2011) Court of Appeal (Civil Division) MP (Sri Lanka) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2011] EWCA Civ 362 (06 April 2011) Dalling v R J Heale & Co Ltd [2011] EWCA Civ 365 (05 April 2011) High Court (Administrative… [read post]
8 Apr 2011, 11:25 am by Mike
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council refused but an inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government allowed Mr Beesley's appeal in 2008. [read post]
8 Apr 2011, 11:25 am by Mike
Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council refused but an inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government allowed Mr Beesley's appeal in 2008. [read post]
15 Jun 2008, 4:13 pm
We are not the Hatfields and the McCoys.Occasionally, even the innovators can be pleased when the generics win a victory -- at least when the case doesn't involve intellectual property, but rather the preemption defense.On Friday, June 13, Perrigo Pharmaceuticals picked off a nice preemption victory in Gaeta v. [read post]