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13 Jun 2017, 2:33 am
”Event Report: Combat the CopycatsInternKat Hayleigh Bosher brings her reports on Combat the Copycats, an event organized by the Intellectual Property Awareness Network (IPAN) and City, University of London as a fringe event to Clerkenwell Design Week. [read post]
30 Apr 2017, 4:30 am
Around the IP blogsInternKat Hayleigh Bosher covers the latest posts from some IP blogs.Time to celebrate, debate and have fun! [read post]
4 Apr 2017, 1:55 am
Eleonora Rosati calls for readers’ attention on the new event organised by TIPLO (The Intellectual Property Lawyers Organisation) in London on March 28, 2017.Last but not least, the weekly routines that bring round-ups for the latest IP happenings including events, book release and highlighted blog posts: Never too Late (here ,here and here), Friday Fantasies and Around the IP Blogs (and here) by InternKats Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo, Hayleigh… [read post]
21 Mar 2017, 11:45 pm
Kat konfusion regarding passing off: likelihood of confusion and the Starbucks (HK) caseIPKat Neil Wilkof muses about the complexity of the three requirements of passing off and the issue of likelihood of confusion as they played out in the UKSC’s Starbucks (HK) decision.Thursday ThingiesThis Kitten reports forthcoming events in Bournemouth (3D Printing), Budapest, Minnesota, Basel and Geneva.Wednesday WhimsiesInternKat Hayleigh Bosher summarizes IP news and events including… [read post]
20 Mar 2017, 2:30 pm
The commissioned working paper prepared by InternKat Hayleigh Bosher can be reviewed here.Moving to trademarks, Friso Onderdelinden discusses on the Kluwer Trademark Blog three cases brought before Dutch courts, which involve the unauthorized use of trademarks in clothing (as a decorative artwork) and pet accessories.Finally, over at The TTABlog, John L. [read post]
13 Mar 2017, 3:25 am
For Kat readers, IPKat wishes to publish a follow-up to Hayleigh Bosher's post of last Friday. [read post]
22 Feb 2017, 11:15 pm
 * Willow Tea Rooms: A tale of tea and trade marks (Part 2)InternKat Hayleigh Bosher hosts a tea party continues her analysis (see Part 1 here) regarding Ms Mulhern, owner of the mark The Willow Tea Rooms opposing the Willow Tea Rooms Trust attempt to register the mark “The Willow Tea Rooms” in classes 35, 41, 42 and 43. [read post]
20 Feb 2017, 9:50 pm
Around the IP BlogsInternKat Hayleigh Bosher recaps the highlights of some IP blogs.Kittens in love … A Never Too Late celebration of Valentine's day! [read post]
30 Dec 2016, 2:58 pm
The books are the perfect choice for those who are preparing for the European Qualifying Examination (EQE).Around the IP BlogsInternKat Hayleigh Bosher summarizes the highlights of some IP blogs, including the refusal for trademark registration of the iWatch screenshot.Before there was copyright there was censorship: the tale of "The Feast in the House of Levi” by VeroneseNeil Wilkof ruminates about the interrogation held on 18 July 1573 by the Inquisition court to the… [read post]
9 Dec 2016, 1:00 pm
The case involves a claim of invalidity of Fontem’s Patent EP2022349 related to an electronic cigarette as well as for a declaration of non-infringement and a counterclaim for infringement.BREAKING: Antidote found for poisonous prioritiesDavid Brophy blogs about the order in case G 1/15 of the Enlarged Board of Appeal at the EPO, which establishes that partial priority of a claim comprising alternative subject-matter may not be refused based on one or more generic expressions or otherwise… [read post]
13 Oct 2016, 10:06 am
A warm welcome to the new InternKats: Hayleigh Bosher, Tian Lu and Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo! [read post]
4 Oct 2016, 5:10 am
 The new InternKat team is as follows:Hayleigh Bosher (InternKat)Hayleigh Bosher is a final year PhD candidate at the Centre for Intellectual Property, Policy and Management (CIPPM) at Bournemouth University, under the Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship Award. [read post]