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23 May 2023, 3:56 pm by Karina Lytvynska
Please consider become a premium member or Buy Access Thank you Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Email The post Artist Feature Series: In Conversation with Hilde Lynn Helphenstein/ Jerry Gagosian appeared first on Center for Art Law. [read post]
23 May 2023, 3:56 pm by Karina Lytvynska
Please consider become a premium member or Buy Access Thank you Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Email The post Artist Feature Series: In Conversation with Hilde Lynn Helphenstein/ Jerry Gogosian appeared first on Center for Art Law. [read post]
26 Jan 2012, 5:42 am
Hilde Coffé (left) as an IntLawGrrls contributor.At the beginning of next month, Hilde will take up a permanent appointment as a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand.She joins the Victoria faculty following a number of years as an assistant professor of sociology at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. [read post]
28 Sep 2009, 2:26 am
Hild was indicted by federal grand jury in Louisville, Kentucky on September 23, 2009. [read post]
18 Aug 2014, 7:29 am by Brian Leiter
CHE quotes philosopher Hilde Lindemann (Michigan State) as follows: Hilde Lindemann, a professor at Michigan State University who heads the philosophical association’s Committee on the Status of Women, says professors at East Carolina should have taken the... [read post]
9 Oct 2007, 6:57 pm
Hild of Fresno County, Calif., won $704,633 in a civil lawsuit, only to lose the award in appeals court. [read post]
17 Feb 2019, 9:49 am by Media Law Prof
Currently filming in Vancouver, BC: Magic Hour (Apple/Paramount), a ten-episode series based on the life and stories of young journalist Hilde Lysiak. [read post]
30 May 2008, 6:00 am
" The article reports on a lawsuit filed in October 2007, Hild v. [read post]
22 Aug 2014, 7:26 am by Brian Leiter
From Christian Munthe: What Hilde points out is not that evidence has been discounted by anyone. [read post]
15 Aug 2020, 3:06 am by Family Law
From Time: [C]hild marriage has been prohibited in Kenya since 1990, when the country ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a United Nations human rights treaty between nations to protect children from a number of abuses. [read post]
15 Jul 2015, 12:30 pm by CrimProf BlogEditor
Hilde Tubex (University of Western Australia - Faculty of Law) has posted Contemporary Penal Policies (Oxford Handbooks Online (Oxford University Press, 2014)) on SSRN. [read post]
18 Jun 2021, 12:58 pm by Brill Legal Group
  A federal jury in Manhattan found Michael Hild, 46, guilty of five criminal counts. [read post]
18 Mar 2014, 4:45 pm by Mary Pat Dwyer
Hildes 13-791 Issue: Whether a plaintiff may state a claim under Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933, which provides for strict liability “on account of” defective registration statements, where he made an irrevocable investment decision to acquire his securities before a registration statement covering the issuance of those securities existed. [read post]
14 Jan 2009, 6:06 am
Today TaxMama hears from Hilde in Illinois who tells us. [read post]
31 Jul 2008, 1:00 am
  This issue  contains a Google symposium, “Google: An Intersection of Business and Technology,” which includes these articles: Google and Fair Use, Jonathan Band Information Policy for the Library of Babel, James Grimmelmann The Google IPO, Matthias Hild Asterisk Revisited: Debating a Right of Reply [...] [read post]
24 Mar 2014, 6:40 am by Andrew Hamm
Hildes and Tribble v. [read post]
22 Dec 2013, 11:48 am by Elizabeth LaForgia
Special Representative for South Sudan and head of UNMISS Hilde Johnson made clear that UNMISS is not abandoning the country... [read post]