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4 Jun 2012, 5:46 pm by Eva Arevuo
v=88ddKYGjMSQ& Kirsten Gillibrand ? [read post]
23 Jun 2017, 6:30 am by Mitra Sharafi
–Table of Contents after the jump.1 Keppell v Bailey (1834); Hill v Tupper (1863) The Numerus Clausus and the Common LawBen McFarlane2 Todrick v Western National Omnibus Co Ltd (1934) The Interpretation of EasementsPeter Butt3 Re Ellenborough Park (1955) A Mere Recreation and AmusementElizabeth Cooke4 Taylors Fashions Ltd v Liverpool Victoria Trustees Co Ltd; Old & Campbell Ltd v Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society… [read post]
5 Oct 2010, 9:55 pm by Simon Gibbs
In one recent set of Replies I received the following cases were referred to: Bailey v IBC Vehicles Ltd, Cole v News Group Newspapers, Carpenter v Mid-Kent Healthcare Trust, William Patterson v Cape Darlington & Ors, Mattel Inc & Ors v RSW Group plc, Ghannouchi v Houni, Francis v Francis and Dickerson, Smith Graham v The Lord Chancellor’s Department and Crane v Canons Leisure Centre. [read post]
22 Apr 2013, 9:30 pm by Karen Tani
McMahonDale Carpenter, FLAGRANT CONDUCT: THE STORY OF LAWRENCE V. [read post]
19 Jan 2014, 4:02 pm by INFORRM
  There five published “resolved complaints”: Andrew Newman v Daily Mail (clause 1), Morag Powell v Scotsman (clauses 1 and 3), Bryony Hill v Mail on Sunday (clauses 1, 3 and 4), Sean McGrath v Herald (Glasgow) (clause 1) and Peter Jones v Daily Telegraph (clause 1). [read post]
24 May 2019, 4:36 am by Andrew Lavoott Bluestone
  This is amply demonstrated by Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. v Pollack  2019 NY Slip Op 50793(U)  Decided on May 17, 2019 Supreme Court, New York County  Reed, J.. [read post]
31 Jul 2019, 12:09 pm by Seth Waxman
Both cases arose from the Supreme Court’s 1995 decision in Bailey v. [read post]
11 Feb 2024, 2:57 am by Frank Cranmer
As well as the usual book reviews and case-notes, it includes the following: Mark Hill: ‘Aston Cantlow v Wallbank: a twenty-year retrospective’. [read post]
31 May 2011, 9:48 am by Eric
* Venkat and I participated (with Evan Brown and Jonathan Bailey) on TWiL 111, mostly discussing copyrights. [read post]
14 May 2013, 7:19 am by Cormac Early
Holland of the Associated Press, Chantal Valery of Agence France-Presse, and Ronald Bailey of Reason. [read post]