Search for: "Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project" Results 1 - 20 of 242
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10 Apr 2012, 10:15 am by Media Law Prof
Humanitarian Law Project in First Amendment Doctrine, at 6 Harvard Law & Policy Review 148 (2012). [read post]
7 Oct 2011, 4:52 am by Lawrence Solum
Humanitarian Law Project and the Potential to Cripple Humanitarian Assistance in Armed Conflict on SSRN. [read post]
11 Feb 2010, 4:43 pm by constitutional lawblogger
Adam Liptak in today's NYT profiled Ralph Fertig, the president of the Humanitarian Law Project and the moving force behind Holder v. [read post]
4 Apr 2012, 1:45 pm by CrimProf BlogEditor
Humanitarian Law Project in First Amendment Doctrine (Harvard Law & Policy Review, Vol. 6, pp. 148-177, 2012) on SSRN. [read post]
23 Feb 2010, 8:57 pm by constitutional lawblogger
Humanitarian Law Project, the case testing the constitutionality of a portion of the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act. [read post]
16 Aug 2010, 3:10 pm by Michael Moffitt
Robert Axelrod, surely familiar to most of us who teach dispute resolution, co-authored an Op-Ed in the New York Times shortly after the Supreme Court’s decision in Holder v Humanitarian Law Project. [read post]
21 Jun 2010, 10:28 am by Eugene Volokh
Humanitarian Law Project; you can see it here.] [read post]
7 Mar 2011, 10:06 am by uwlegalscholarship
Humanitarian Law Project on ADR and Human Rights Work, March 25, 2011, 3:15-7 pm. [read post]
21 Jun 2010, 8:51 am
Humanitarian Law Project [Cornell LII backgrounder] that a federal law criminalizing providing material support for groups designated as terrorist organizations is constitutional. [read post]