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6 Jul 2011, 6:39 am
Last night on CSPAN, I happened to catch most of Howard Bashman's fine speech to the Fourth Judicial Cicuit Conference. [read post]
10 Feb 2008, 3:30 am
Howard Bashman has a column about the Oregon Supreme Court's affirmance of the $79.5 million punitive damages award against Philip Morris. [read post]
29 Mar 2021, 4:00 am
Although the COVID-19 pandemic has caused there to be fewer court filings in some jurisdictions, Howard Bashman’s blog, How Appealing, continues to share multiple posts on a daily basis about appellate law and legal news. [read post]
21 Aug 2014, 7:02 pm
Howard Bashman has a new post on How Appealing examining the new proposal to reduce the word limit for principal briefs in the U.S. [read post]
23 Jan 2008, 4:48 am
"Ode to Howard Bashman": Attorney Scott H. [read post]
26 Apr 2007, 3:41 pm
Howard Bashman's blog, How Appealing, has received one shout-out from the 9th Circuit. [read post]
9 Nov 2010, 7:59 am
Howard Bashman, Pennsylvania appellate litigator and editor of How Appealing, has this Nov. 8th article in The Legal Intelligencer, headed:... [read post]
19 Oct 2007, 3:38 pm
"Howard Bashman, journalist": Tony Mauro has this post at "The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times. [read post]
9 May 2007, 12:25 pm
One particularly well known legal blogger is Howard Bashman, author of How Appealing. [read post]
10 Jan 2007, 9:49 am
Howard Bashman comments here that it's time to abolish invisible rulings by state appellate courts, and he's right.The Virginia Supreme Court is, to my knowledge, one of the very worst offenders on this point - it is impossible to find on Westlaw or online an unpublished decision, even though the lawyers in the case get them from the clerk (and the Richmond law firms get them the same way).One of the cases I argued before the Virginia Supreme Court is unpublished, might… [read post]
7 May 2007, 3:03 pm
It was five years ago yesterday that Howard Bashman launched his blog How Appealing, which is now part of the blog network. [read post]
10 Dec 2011, 5:50 am
An obituary for "Julia Howard Bashman" appeared yesterday in The Daily Independent of Ashland, Kentucky: You can views the obituary at this link. [read post]
29 Mar 2021, 7:18 pm
“The pandemic has not slowed down Howard Bashman of How Appealing”: Stephanie Francis Ward has this post at ABA Journal about my appearance on the new installment of the “Asked & Answered” podcast that she hosts for that publication. [read post]
5 Mar 2007, 5:03 pm
How Appealing's Howard Bashman's latest column explains that fears Lawrence v. [read post]
23 Jul 2010, 11:50 am
"An 'Appealing' Life: A Chat with Blogger, Lawyer Howard Bashman. [read post]
10 May 2012, 8:44 pm
"Howard Bashman's 'How Appealing' Turns 10": Nicholas J. [read post]
13 Aug 2007, 12:01 am
Howard Bashman’s latest column at is about the need for more free internet access to federal court case information. [read post]
10 May 2007, 6:20 pm
"This morning at the CLE, Howard Bashman's name came up at least twice. [read post]
18 Mar 2007, 3:54 pm
"Rumors of Howard Bashman's reaming have been greatly exaggerated": So writes Cathy Gellis, at her blog "The Great Change: Turning Cathy into a Lawyer. [read post]
15 Mar 2007, 1:20 pm
Fortunately, on a literal understanding of that comment, the actual Howard Bashman emerges completely unscathed. [read post]