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25 Dec 2007, 11:11 pm
Howard Bashman runs what is probably the top blog on the subject of appeals, How Appealing. [read post]
19 Dec 2007, 8:24 am
(Thanks to Howard Bashman of How Appealing blog for a link to the site for these documents, and for his diligent  coverage of the case.) [read post]
18 Dec 2007, 1:38 pm
" The cert petition, which Howard Bashman has made available for downloading via this link, presents these three questions:I. [read post]
16 Dec 2007, 9:01 pm
Howard Bashman in an artice entitled "2nd Circuit Offers Glimpse of Federal Courts' Recusal... [read post]
14 Dec 2007, 1:49 pm
So when Howard Bashman started his blog, and both Denise and I extolled it to a great extent, I was really happy, because I thought, “that’s exactly what somebody should be doing to cover the general bases. [read post]
14 Dec 2007, 8:00 am
By Eric Goldman Howard Bashman provides some useful updates on the case. [read post]
12 Dec 2007, 6:06 am
As he does so well, Howard Bashman has collected here some of the major media coverage of the US Sentencing Commission's decision to make its new crack guidelines retroactive. [read post]
12 Dec 2007, 6:00 am
UPDATE: Howard Bashman has a few thoughts on the new opinion at his blog, How Appealing. [read post]
11 Dec 2007, 9:11 pm
Dec 11, 2007), in which a panel of the Ninth, on rehearing, again affirms the class certification in this gender discrimination case, prompts this from Howard Bashman at How Appealing: In the Ninth Circuit, to a degree not seen in any other federal appellate courts, published opinions often resemble works in progress. [read post]
4 Dec 2007, 6:43 am
Three of them, Denise Howell, Howard Bashman, and David Lat, have hosted Blawg Review. [read post]
28 Nov 2007, 9:14 pm
Howard Bashman's ever-popular How Appealing at is currently leading in the balloting, but our sites are at present doing well in the competition, with Point of Law at #4 position and Overlawyered at #2 (cross-posted, in slightly altered form, from Point of Law). [read post]
27 Nov 2007, 5:03 pm
Howard Bashman's How Appealing has all the links that go with a story today from the Buffalo News that begins, "A state panel has ordered City Judge Robert M. [read post]
27 Nov 2007, 2:45 pm
Here is the final ruling, which Howard Bashman points out is controversial due to fact that the [read post]
20 Nov 2007, 9:13 pm
Circuit (Howard Bashman, "D.C. [read post]
20 Nov 2007, 7:41 am
A hat tip to Howard Bashman at How Appealing and Karl Keys at Capital Defense Weekly. [read post]
20 Nov 2007, 3:00 am
Lethal Injection How Appealing written by lawyer Howard Bashman. [read post]
9 Nov 2007, 7:18 am
    Howard Bashman of How Appealing blog has links to other coverage, and the New York Times website includes a story. [read post]