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8 May 2014, 3:00 am by Walter Olson
A few measured, non-alarmist reactions to the decision: Noah Feldman via Rick Pildes, ABC News (quoted views of Rick Garnett, Notre Dame, and Daniel Mach, ACLU), and Howard Wasserman/Prawfs. [read post]
14 Nov 2008, 11:55 pm
More good news on the blogging-while-untenured front: Wasserman joins Henderson as a newly tenured blogger who pitched blogging's value to his tenure committee. [read post]
12 Oct 2009, 7:16 am
Speech-curbing proposals continue to get polite academic reception: NYU’s Jeremy Waldron, big advocate of laws to curb “hate speech”, delivered Holmes Lectures at Harvard this past week [HLS, schedule] Lawsuit over collectible baseball hit into stands by Phillies’ Ryan Howard, his 200th career homer [Howard Wasserman, PrawfsBlawg; NJLRA] Orchid-importer prosecution a poster case for the evils of overcriminalization? [read post]
10 Oct 2017, 4:07 am by Edith Roberts
Howard Wasserman previewed the case for this blog. [read post]
27 Nov 2018, 4:01 am by Edith Roberts
Howard Wasserman previewed the case for this blog. [read post]
21 Aug 2012, 2:55 pm by David Lat
Wasserman, Howard Wasserman, Kanye West, Kelly Clarkson, Legitimate Rape, Non-Sequiturs, Politics, Rape, Representative Todd Akin, Seventh Circuit, Todd Akin [read post]
12 May 2013, 4:10 pm by Andrew Koppelman
  It includes contributions by James Pfander, Richard Freer, Richard Marcus, Linda Mullenix, Jay Tidmarsh, Larry Alexander, Corey Brettschneider, myself, Eugene Volokh, Andrea Matwyshyn, Richard Fallon, William Marshall, Howard Wasserman, Matthew Arnould, Andrew Gavil and Christopher Yoo. [read post]
14 Feb 2022, 4:10 am by Howard Friedman
Project, (February 7, 2022).Robert Kahn, Face Veil Bans and “Living Together” – What’s Privacy Got to Do with It, (6 Public Governance, Administration and Finances Law Review 7 (2021).Sherif Girgis, Misreading and Transforming Casey for Dobbs, (Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy, Vol. 20, 2022).David Gans, Reproductive Originalism: Why the Fourteenth Amendment’s Original Meaning Protects the Right to Abortion, (SMU Law Review Forum (2022… [read post]
3 Aug 2015, 4:00 am by Howard Friedman
Wasserman, Crazy in Alabama: Judicial Process and the Last Stand Against Marriage Equality in the Land of George Wallace, (Northwestern University Law Review Online, Vol. 110, p. 201, 2015).From SmartCILP:J. [read post]
21 Jul 2009, 12:44 pm
Howard Wasserman, Discovery, Burdens, Risks, and Iqbal, PrawfsBlawg, June 2, 2009. [read post]
2 Jun 2014, 1:14 pm by Mark Tushnet
Howard Wasserman already has posted something on some aspects of the style of Chef Justice Roberts's opinion in Bond, asking whether "Robert's penchant for these flourishes makes for good writing or whether it is incredibly distracting. [read post]
1 Nov 2007, 8:16 am
With the beginning of the month, I'm pleased to welcome some friendly new voices to Prawfs: Eduardo Penalver (Cornell), Howard Wasserman (visiting at SLU from FIU), Tommy Crocker (USCarolina), and Joe Kennedy (UNC); I'm also grateful that Tung Yin from Iowa is returning for November. [read post]
24 Jan 2011, 6:44 pm by Donn Zaretsky
Howard Wasserman says the problem with laws like that "is that they allow government to eliminate the check on misconduct that comes from the public being able to watch/listen to Big Brother and use the recording to document and help prove misconduct. [read post]
14 Jul 2010, 3:07 pm by uwlegalscholarship
Other participants included Dan Markel (Florida State), Hillel Levin (Georgia), and Howard Wasserman (Florida International). [read post]
5 Aug 2018, 9:01 am by Walter Olson
” [Ilya Somin on the Ian Ayres / John Fabian Witt plan; related, Howard Wasserman] Tags: judicial nominations, Supreme Court Packing light at the Supreme Court? [read post]