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19 Aug 2011, 5:31 am by Ted Frank
As if prompted by my Tuesday post on the case, yesterday the California Supreme Court correctly ruled on Howell, which will save consumers billions of dollars a year on insurance costs at the expense of attorney windfalls. [read post]
19 Mar 2014, 11:56 am by Glotzer & Sweat
The defendant appealed the verdict and argued, in pertinent part, that the amount of the actual medical bills issued should not have been introduced into evidence based upon the Howell v. [read post]
20 Mar 2017, 11:11 am by Andrew Hamm
Wisconsin is here; the transcript in Howell v. [read post]
27 May 2011, 10:27 am
The Illinois Supreme Court denied the Chicago Housing Authority's motion to reverse a lower court's $16.5 million verdict to a tenant who'd lived in a Chicago apartment with lead-based paint for several years in Donald Howell v. [read post]
19 Mar 2017, 1:00 am by Family Law
From SCOTUS blog: Next week the justices will hear oral argument inHowell v. [read post]
6 May 2008, 1:23 am
Howell, the judge denied a request of summary judgment against the Howells. [read post]