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17 Jul 2019, 7:58 am by Kevin Kaufman
Comparison of Georgian Tax Reforms to Previous System Source: Tax Reforms in Georgia, Ministry of Finance of Georgia, Tax Old Rate New Rate Personal Income 20% progressive 20% fla [read post]
2 Apr 2020, 9:30 am by Tanya Kuzman
[4] Corporations Canada, “Annual meetings of federal corporations during the COVID-19 outbreak” avail online,: [read post]
1 Apr 2020, 6:56 am by Tanya Kuzman
C.38 [4] Corporations Canada, “Annual meetings of federal corporations during the COVID-19 outbreak” avail online,: [read post]
12 Nov 2019, 4:47 am by Andrew Lavoott Bluestone
”‘ In re R.M Kliment & Frances Hals band, Architects (McKinsey & Co., Inc.), 3 N.Y.3d 538, 541-542 (2004) (citation omitted). [read post]
12 May 2011, 7:52 am by cen
Wie eng Guttenberg mit seinem Doktorvater auch politisch verbunden war, ist mittlerweile schon mehrfach angedeutet worden, auch wirtschaftliche Verbindungen zwischen der Rhön Klinikum AG und der Universität Bayreuth. [read post]
10 May 2012, 9:11 am by Juana Vasella
Dementsprechend ist auch eine Programmbeschwerde zulässig von Personen, die keine enge Beziehung zum Gegenstand der beanstandeten Sendung haben, sofern sie mindestens 20 Unterschriften beibringen (Art. 94 Abs. 2 RTVG). [read post]
29 Mar 2010, 4:52 am by Alfred Brophy
Michael Blakey of W&M's anthropology department framed the whole discussion and Robert Engs and Terry Meyers anchored it with talk about their intensive work on W&M. [read post]
17 May 2022, 4:00 am by Alisa Lazear
” If you’re in a position where you are creating style guides, or editing other people’s work, I hope these key takeaways I’ve learned from this session and from my work will be of some use. [read post]
15 May 2014, 7:53 am by Dennis Crouch
Cross Match argues that the question is largely answered by Young Eng’rs, Inc. v. [read post]