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28 Dec 2021, 8:11 am by Dan Bressler
” “‘Not only are you being responsive to your professional liability requirements, but you’re ensuring the firm is more profitable because you’re ensuring that … you’re not going to be faced with fee write-downs because you weren’t accommodating clients’ requests,’ Edwards said. [read post]
27 Dec 2021, 9:02 pm by Series of Essays
A Case for Mandatory Voting July 7, 2021 | Alana Sheppard Scholars argue that civic duty voting could revive American democracy. [read post]
Learn More About Saving on Estate Taxes If you have a large estate you’re concerned about, Martin Heller Potempa & Sheppard, PLLC is here to help. [read post]
13 Oct 2021, 9:08 am by Kyle Persaud
District Court for the District of Maryland Sheppard v. [read post]
13 Oct 2021, 9:08 am by Kyle Persaud
District Court for the District of Maryland Sheppard v. [read post]
If you’re trying to decide whether or not to establish a trust to pass assets to your loved ones, let Martin Heller Potempa & Sheppard, PLLC help. [read post]
If you’re concerned about how your assets will be passed on after your passing, the estate planning lawyers at Martin Heller Potempa & Sheppard, PLLC can help. [read post]
When you’re planning for your future, one of the top things on your mind is who you will leave in charge of your estate. [read post]
10 Aug 2021, 5:57 am
They’re now the most trusted institution in the US according to the Edelman Trust Barometer. [read post]
20 Jul 2021, 2:06 pm by David Heller
You may have recently received proceeds from a life insurance policy or you’re starting to plan for your future. [read post]
6 Jul 2021, 9:08 pm by Alana Sheppard
We’re all affected by the decision we make today. [read post]
Counterfeiting and re-use of compromised semiconductors presents an additional risk, including revenue loss and early or catastrophic failure of end systems. [read post]
9 Jun 2021, 4:00 am by Administrator
Keele Sheppard Plaza Inc., 2021 ONCA 371 (CanLII) [14] The application judge was entitled to take judicial notice of anti-Black racism in Canada. [read post]
7 Jun 2021, 7:29 am
Sam Sheppard - in his first year out of law school no less. [read post]
4 Jun 2021, 4:42 am by David Oscar Markus
Bailey took it all the way to the Supreme Court and Sheppard v. [read post]