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9 Mar 2012, 3:10 am
They know exactly what they're supposed to do. [read post]
8 Jul 2009, 2:32 pm
And while we're at it, perhaps OPR can publish on its website its annual reports from 2007 and 2008? [read post]
19 Jun 2018, 5:02 am
Posts like Smith’s not only put criminal defense lawyers in an awkward position, since we’re all for keeping very serious, very real problems such as Brady concealment, in particular, and prosecutorial misconduct, in general, on the public radar. [read post]
9 Nov 2017, 3:59 am
We’re incredibly lucky to find out that concealed Brady existed at all. [read post]
7 Dec 2006, 10:55 am
Tom Brady has sued Yahoo! [read post]
29 Aug 2019, 10:00 am
If you’re like me, you’re wondering why Tom Brady would want to register such a trademark. [read post]
9 Sep 2016, 4:31 am
It deserves better, and you’re capable of better. [read post]
27 May 2022, 1:54 pm
Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit reversed, re-instating the half-inch limit. [read post]
7 Aug 2015, 6:49 am
They’re doing for some rich guy in a white collar case. [read post]
29 Jan 2020, 2:00 am
You’re washed up! [read post]
8 Aug 2014, 12:00 am
As for Virginia Medical Examiner -- has anyone told him you're not supposed to drink the embalming fluid? [read post]
24 Oct 2011, 5:38 am
But for those willing to cheat to win, prosecutors are immune from civil penalties and except in rare events, face no professional consequences from the state bar disciplinary committee as a practical matter (though that group has announced they're investigating the Morton case). [read post]
30 Sep 2014, 6:37 am
The article provides a good discussion of the issues, but regrettably fails in its survey of states to comprehend the two-tier structure of police personnel files in Texas, mistakenly claiming they're always subject to state open records law, which is false. [read post]
5 Apr 2012, 4:54 pm
Hales said making Portland a property-management agency was "not a good idea," because government "ought to do what we're good at, which is basic services. [read post]
18 Oct 2011, 7:58 am
Big plans won't be worth the full-color brochures they're printed on. [read post]
21 Feb 2012, 8:39 am
Florida never thought to re-examine its position, after the DOJ issued, to much fanfare, the Ogden Memo in early 2010. [read post]
30 Sep 2022, 3:38 am
A straggling few got up to go in deep despair, the rest Clung to the hope which springs eternal in the human breast; They thought “If we get possession and Tom Brady gets the ball— We’d put up even money now we’re sure to win it all. [read post]
24 Jan 2012, 10:30 pm
We're voting for Max Brumm. [read post]
11 Sep 2018, 4:00 am
In Brady v. [read post]
11 May 2015, 4:21 pm
Misty Adkins, 41, and Brady Gragg, 36, were identified as the victims and this accident happened at about 9:30 a.m. on Thursday morning of last week, May 7, 2015. [read post]