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25 Aug 2017, 12:33 pm
A public service announcement from today's opinion on something you might want to look out for the next time you go to your bank:"Defendant, Patton, and Tate were all members of the 4-Deuce Crips street gang and had committed follow-home robberies with one another, and with others, in the past. [read post]
9 Jan 2007, 4:47 am
The following discussion of In re Estate of Miller (Idaho Supreme Court 2006) is provided by Dennis S. [read post]
5 Jul 2012, 6:11 am by Bill Otis
Alabama, and suggesting that the door is open to counsel-assisted re-sentencings for about 2000 youthful murderers.The editorial is such a botch that it brought the critical attention of Prof. [read post]
20 Nov 2008, 1:47 pm
Joseph Dodge (Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson Professor, Florida State University College of Law) has recently posted on SSRN his article entitled Replacing the Estate Tax with a Re-Imagined Accessions Tax. [read post]
31 Jul 2015, 8:00 am by Dan Ernst
We’re very pleased to announce that Mary Ziegler, the Stearns Weaver Miller Professor at the Florida State University College of Law, will be guest blogging with us for the month of August. [read post]
23 Jun 2015, 5:26 am by Land Use Prof
First off, thanks to Stephen Miller for shepherding the blog for the last year-plus. [read post]
22 Mar 2007, 4:00 am
But the Chicago litigation boutique Miller Law LLC got their site online in only 60... [read post]
26 Oct 2006, 7:16 am
According to a recent article by Matt Miller, Revolt of the fairly rich, Fortune, Oct. 25, 2006:* * * [Y]ou're on your way to seeing why America's income gap is arguably less likely to spark a retro fight between proletarians... [read post]