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14 Jul 2024, 4:00 am by SOQUIJ
La preuve est plutôt à l’effet contraire: par insouciance ou désintérêt, il a confondu ses désirs avec la réalité et a cru que ses impressions subjectives l’autor [read post]
12 Jul 2024, 3:54 pm
 Pix credit here In the morning, Allied leaders met with leaders from Australia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and the European Union to address shared security challenges and further deepen cooperation. [read post]
9 Jul 2024, 11:28 am
Pix Credit hereGroovin' slow and easy, just takin' our timeWe ain't goin' nowhere, for baby I don't mindSo put your arms around mewe're gonna take a journey down to rhythm and bluesRidin' on a soul train, yeah baby just-a me and you (lyrics Soultrain, here)This post considers, quite briefly, reflections on several points that may weigh significantly on the way in which one approaches the inevitable and now unstoppable trend toward AI… [read post]
3 Jul 2024, 3:00 am by Greg Lambert
I’m Marlene Gebauer Greg Lambert 0:13 And I’m Greg Lambert. [read post]
2 Jul 2024, 6:30 am by Guest Blogger
  In pushing for a nationwide Black suffrage statute in 1869, Representative George Boutwell (R-MA) and Senator Charles Sumner (R-MA) listed the number of Black men who would be enfranchised and thereafter vote Republican. [read post]
1 Jul 2024, 7:15 pm by Rechtsanwalt Martin Steiger
Website-Betreiber und App-Anbieter müssen ihre Identität offenlegen, normalerweise als Teil der ohnehin bereits vorhandenen Datenschutzerklärung. [read post]
1 Jul 2024, 5:16 am by Katharina Schmid (schmid-ip)
In case it is not, or in case the classification / law changes, as it did after the “IP-Translator” decision (Case T-307/10 of the Court of the EU), a re-filing for the correct set of G&S may be an action item. [read post]
30 Jun 2024, 3:59 am by SOQUIJ
En l’espèce, cette modification exigera du tribunal qu’il dépose une traduction française du jugement original en anglais le jour même; il ne pourra déposer le jugement final même s’il est prêt. [read post]
25 Jun 2024, 1:29 pm by Josh Blackman
I'm not even sure they're reading from the same book. [read post]
23 Jun 2024, 4:00 am by SOQUIJ
 202.2 du Code de la sécurité routière) — lien juridique suffisant entre les infractions — éléments constitutifs de l’infraction — infraction moindre — éléments constitutifs distincts — distinction d’avec l’arrêt R. c. [read post]