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13 Jan 2012, 5:05 am
Be on the lookout for the call for papers, on all aspects of international law.Co-chairing the Research Forum again this year will be George Washington University Law Professor Laura Dickinson, an IntLawGrrls contributor; joining her will be Georgia Law Professor Timothy L. [read post]
12 Jan 2012, 5:57 am
Machiko Kanetake (left) as an IntLawGrrls contributor.An expert in United Nations law and international security law, Machiko joined the Amsterdam Center for International Law in November. [read post]
12 Jan 2012, 5:56 am
It's our great pleasure to welcome Sarah Paoletti and Nicole Phillips as IntLawGrrls contributors.? [read post]
12 Jan 2012, 5:48 am
(map credit)As indicated in the post below by IntLawGrrls contributors Sarah Paoletti and Nicole Phillips, despite pledges of $10 billion in aid, many Haitians struggle to survive in the face of forced evictions, a raging cholera epidemic, and rampant gender-based violence.For example, even after two years:? [read post]
11 Jan 2012, 11:12 am
Pleased to announce that we at IntLawGrrls have welcomed our millionth page view! [read post]
11 Jan 2012, 6:05 am
In 2006, Seton Hall Law School produced a revealing report, based on US Department of Defense data, showing that less than 10% were considered to be Al-Qaeda and roughly half of the men had never committed a hostile act toward the United States.No wonder then that since 2001, only a handful of men of have been subject to trial by military commissions as IntLawGrrls have written about here, here, and here. [read post]
10 Jan 2012, 6:33 am
Invite civil society -- that is, all of us -- to hold those agencies accountable for full and proper implementation.Much of the data in the 25-page document will be familiar to IntLawGrrls readers; for example, that inclusion of women in peace negotiations enhances consideration of economic and social justice issues, or that education of girls enhances longterm prosperity and stability.That women often "have found themselves sidelined" in official peace talks also is well known. [read post]
8 Jan 2012, 3:00 am
... occasional posts on writing worth reading)Delighted to take note of Violence against Women under International Human Rights Law, a 2011 Cambridge University Press monograph written by an IntLawGrrls contributor, Dr. [read post]
7 Jan 2012, 1:53 pm
(My thanks to IntLawGrrls for the opportunity to contribute this introductory post)The readers of IntLawGrrls may be well aware of the sex scandal involving UN peacekeepers. [read post]
6 Jan 2012, 3:10 am
CarrieLyn Donigan Guymon (left), an IntLawGrrls contributor who, we're delighted to announce, has accepted the position of editor, beginning with the 2011 Digest. [read post]
6 Jan 2012, 1:50 am
As explained at the site by its founder, Stockholm-based researcher and policy analyst Johan Westberg:The area often referred to as 'Trade and Environment' is thus a facet of these attempts at integrating environmental consequences into current modes of international economic governance, dealing specifically with the current international trade regime and the places in which it brushes up against environmental issues.A feature worth noting: in the spirit of IntLawGrrls' own… [read post]
4 Jan 2012, 6:19 am
Delighted to announce IntLawGrrl Mallika Kaur's new position.Having completed the year-long Harvard University Sheldon Traveling Fellowship, through which she researched gender issues in Kashmir, Mallika is now practicing as a Staff Attorney at Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse, or CORA, a domestic violence agency in San Mateo, a city in California's San Francisco Bay Area.Today Mallika, who grew up in Punjab and has worked with the Sikh Coalition, posts about on ongoing… [read post]
3 Jan 2012, 3:00 am
Everyone who posts, however many times, is now an IntLawGrrls "contributor. [read post]
2 Jan 2012, 8:22 am by admin
Blog links: University of Wisconsin Law School announcement, here Published obituary,, here Guadalupe Luna, at Nuestras Voces Latinas, here Al Brophy, at The Faculty Lounge, here Howard Wasserman, at Prawfsblawg, here Diane Marie Amann, at IntLawGrrls, here  Kevin Johnson, at Immigration Law Profs Blog (here) Dan Rodriguez, at Northwestern Law School’s Dean’s Blog, here Brian Leither, at Brian Leiter’s Law School Reports, here In January, there will… [read post]
2 Jan 2012, 6:06 am
It's IntLawGrrls' great pleasure to welcome Alli Jernow (left) as today's guest blogger.Alli is a senior legal advisor at the International Commission of Jurists, based in Geneva, Switzerland, where she runs the Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Project.She is the editor of the Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Justice: A Comparative Law Casebook (2011). [read post]
2 Jan 2012, 6:03 am
(Thanks to IntLawGrrls for inviting me to contribute this guest post on recent development in the European human rights system)The European Court of Human Rights (right) is drowning in applications.With 140,000 applications pending at the close of 2010, the Court has had to face an avalanche of documents. [read post]
2 Jan 2012, 5:55 am
She studied law at the University of Notre Dame, where she served as the research assistant to Mary Ellen O’Connell, an IntLawGrrls contributor, on the 6th edition of a Foundation Press casebook, The International Legal System: Cases and Materials.Heartfelt welcome! [read post]
1 Jan 2012, 6:08 am
', prepared under the supervision of an IntLawGrrls alumna, Leiden Law Professor Larissa van den Herik.) [read post]
28 Dec 2011, 3:53 am
Kudos to IntLawGrrls contributor Colin Dayan (right), whose most recent book has been named among the Top 25 Academic Titles for 2011 by Choice, the online reviews site of the American Library Association.Honored is The Law Is a White Dog: How Legal Rituals Make and Unmake Persons (2011), an interdisciplinary analysis of American incarceration practices, at home and abroad in places like Guantánamo, through lenses that include Caribbean literature and slave histories.All… [read post]