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4 Sep 2024, 2:07 pm by David Kopel
Cooley, General Principles of Constitutional Law 271 (2d ed. 1891) (discussing the implicit right to train with weapons)); United States v. [read post]
21 Aug 2024, 8:35 am by Ben Sperry
  Economic Significance: The United States has more than 130 million fixed-broadband subscribers; the broadband industry generates more than $100 billion in annual revenue and has invested trillions of dollars in infrastructure. [read post]
20 Aug 2024, 6:24 am by Daniel J. Gilman
  To back up just a bit, Google, unquestionably, has a very large share of general search in the United States. [read post]
15 Aug 2024, 6:00 am by Guest Blogger
The book argues that the binary state-versus-federal-government model that is today taken to be the essence of American federalism does not correspond to the legal or political reality of the United States in the early nineteenth century. [read post]
16 Jul 2024, 4:06 pm by Jacob Fishman
For both, focusing on the actual people who practice, argue about, interpret, and implement international law is essential to explaining how international law works. [read post]
28 Jun 2024, 5:59 pm
 They will discuss the evidence underlying the presumption, the standards for "internationally wrongful acts,” possible treaty violations, and the measures a state may take under international law in response. [read post]
26 Jun 2024, 11:26 am by Asheesh Agarwal
Thank you for your attention to these comments. [1] OECD, Conglomerate Effects of Mergers – Note by the United States to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (June 4, 2020) at 5, [2] See Kreisle, Bureau of Economics, Price Effects from the Merger of Agricultural Fertilizer… [read post]
25 Jun 2024, 6:20 pm
Its vanguard of leading social forces--institutionalized within the academy and public international organizations, along with leading organs of liberal democratic civil society, have it in mind to reshape the orthodoxy of behaviors around the fundamental objective of preventing-mitigating-remedying adverse human rights impacts along certain lines. [read post]
25 Jun 2024, 12:59 pm by Sarah Kane
After gaining some footing on climate constitutionalism, the Climate Rights students were encouraged to explore related topics that interested them, whether based on United States jurisprudence or international rights-based claims. [read post]
23 Jun 2024, 11:09 am by Timothy Lutes
If you do not file or file late, you may be subject to penalties as listed in Title 26 of the United States Code. [read post]
21 Jun 2024, 1:48 am by INFORRM
One of the speakers is Joan Barata, Senior Legal Fellow for The Future of Free Speech, who co-authored CGFoE’s Special Collection paper on Internet shutdowns in international law. [read post]
12 Jun 2024, 12:25 pm by Lawrence Solum
United States, 295 U.S. 495, 539 , and Panama Refining Co. v. [read post]
16 May 2024, 12:11 pm by centerforartlaw
Broderick on August 28.[42] Most recently, in an order filed by United States Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn on February 12, 2024, the Court addressed a pending privilege dispute over which state’s law should apply to resolve the documents.[43] Another issue was whether the attorney-client privilege between the Estate and its counsel exten [read post]
16 May 2024, 12:11 pm by centerforartlaw
Broderick on August 28.[42] Most recently, in an order filed by United States Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn on February 12, 2024, the Court addressed a pending privilege dispute over which state’s law should apply to resolve the documents.[43] Another issue was whether the attorney-client privilege between the Estate and its counsel exten [read post]
13 May 2024, 6:19 pm
It includes situations inwhich public authorities are the exclusive actor, in which they impose their choices, but it27also includes situations in which they co-act with private actors to achieve a public good,or even the effort to design the latter. [read post]