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10 Sep 2023, 9:28 am by Simon Lester
Jennifer Hillman and Inu Manak have a new paper out called "Rethinking International Rules on Subsidies. [read post]
9 Aug 2023, 10:00 am by Inu Manak
This is a co-authored post by Inu Manak, who is a fellow for trade policy at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, DC, and Amanda Lin, who is an intern for trade policy at the Council on Foreign Relations and a graduate student at the Elliot School for International Affairs at George Washington University in Washington, DC. [read post]
13 May 2020, 3:25 am by Walter Olson
” [Inu Manak] Tags: Canada, COVID-19 virus, insurance, taxes [read post]
3 Mar 2022, 8:17 am by Simon Lester
Putin and his crony government out of the WTO by seeking broad support for an amendment that would deny the Russian Federation its rights and relieve it of its obligations as a member of the WTO Inu Manak, writing at CFR, focuses instead on suspending MFN under the national security exception: WTO members agree not to discriminate against trading partners or among trading partners, and also to limit using border measures such as tariffs and quotas. ... [read post]
30 Jan 2018, 9:11 pm by Walter Olson
#CatoSOTU — Inu Manak (@inumanak) January 31, 2018 Tags: civil service, Donald Trump, free trade, Twitter State of the Union address 2018 live-tweets is a post from Overlawyered - Chronicling the high cost of our legal system [read post]
26 Sep 2023, 6:18 am by Simon Lester
") [2] For problems with putting together NAFTA rosters of panelists, see: Simon Lester, Inu Manak, Andrej Arpas, "Access to Trade Justice: Fixing NAFTA's Flawed State-to-State Dispute Settlement Process," World Trade Review, Volume 18 , Issue 1 , January 2019 , pp. 63 - 79, [read post]
3 Sep 2023, 9:30 am by Desiree LeClercq
This Labor Day post seeks to shed light on the Biden administration’s “worker-centered” trade policy. [read post]