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2 Feb 2020, 4:41 pm
Council of Europe had a piece, and the ICO’s website also had a statement from Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham. [read post]
18 Dec 2016, 4:19 pm
The Deputy Information Commissioner Simon Entwistle has released a statement in response to the Yahoo hack. [read post]
25 Aug 2008, 1:11 am
Commissioner of Social Security Eastern District of Michigan at Bay City 08a0312p.06 2008/08/22 Phelps-Roper v. [read post]
6 Feb 2012, 2:30 am
Mr Gervase Duffield v The Independent, Clause 1, 01/02/2012; Ms Hayley Quinn v Daily Mail, Clause 1, 01/02/2012; Mr Alex Scott v The Times, Clause 1, 01/02/2012; Mr Alex Scott and Mr James Elliott v The Sun, Clause 1, 01/02/2012; Mrs Jane Clarke v Northwich Guardian, Clause 5, 01/02/2012; Mr Peter Vince-Lindsay v Daily Mail, Clause 1 01/02/2012. [read post]
30 Oct 2016, 5:05 pm
Social Media The Information Law and Policy Centre blog examines Social Media and crime. [read post]
7 Aug 2018, 10:46 am
Mendez in U.S. v. [read post]
27 Mar 2022, 4:50 pm
The Privacy and Information Security Law blog also has a post. [read post]
29 Oct 2017, 5:31 pm
Privacy as a Security Value, Jon Bing: En Hyllest A Tribute, 2014, ISBN: 9788205468504 [read post]
9 May 2021, 4:07 pm
As already mentioned, on 6 May 2021 Julian Knowles J handed down judgment in Spicer v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis. [read post]
19 Mar 2012, 3:30 am
Journalism and regulation Although the PCC is entering a “transitional phase“, a new public commissioner has been appointed to the body, Charles Anson, a former press Secretary to the Queen, who once worked in the press offices of James Callaghan and Margaret Thatcher. [read post]
2 Jul 2017, 4:03 pm
Socially Aware has published Social Links, a round up of the most important stories in the world of social media this week. [read post]
16 Oct 2016, 4:08 pm
Social Media The CPS has issued new “Guidelines on prosecuting cases involving communications sent via social media“. [read post]
20 Jan 2025, 3:13 am
However, concerns have been raised about privacy, digital exclusion and national security. [read post]
31 May 2024, 2:08 pm
” This is a major decision, and will have implications for free speech online, as the Court must soon consider similar facts in the social-media context in Murthy v. [read post]
30 Sep 2024, 1:55 am
Internet and Social Media Meta Platforms is rolling out enhanced privacy and parental controls for Instagram accounts of users under 18 in a significant overhaul aimed at addressing growing concerns around the negative effects of social media. [read post]
11 Dec 2011, 11:53 pm
Art Exhibition: Justice and Security: there is more than one truth. [read post]
17 Jan 2017, 7:52 am
In 1943 and 1944, he was an instructor in aeriel navigation and physical education for Naval Officers enrolled at UVA under the V-12 program. [read post]
2 Feb 2018, 7:44 am
Building in part on that work, the Office of the High Commissioner has recently announced the convening of an expert workshop on 21-22 February 2018, to discuss the role and contribution of civil society organizations, academia, national human rights institutions and other relevant stakeholders in the prevention of human rights abuses. [read post]
17 Sep 2011, 4:07 am
AstrueCourt: U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals Docket: 10-5155 September 8, 2011 Judge: Briscoe Areas of Law: Government & Administrative Law, Public Benefits Petitioner Becky Jean Willig appealed an opinion and order entered by a United States Magistrate Judge that affirmed the decision of the Commissioner of Social Security (Commissioner) denying her application for supplemental security income benefits. [read post]
3 Jul 2023, 4:07 am
” Data Privacy and Data Protection On 22 June 2023, the Upper Tribunal confirmed the civil standard of proof applied in information law litigation with the judgment in Doorstep Dispensaree Lts v Information Commissioner [2023] UKUT 123 (AAC). [read post]