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29 Dec 2014, 5:16 pm
Jacek Stramski On December 22, 2014, the Supreme Court addressed a holiday wish list to the Legislature pursuant to its constitutional duty to provide an annual report on the need for additional judges. [read post]
24 Jan 2015, 3:57 pm
Jacek Stramski The Supreme Court’s February oral argument calendar was just released and a handful of cases will present especially interesting questions to the Court. [read post]
11 Nov 2014, 11:42 am
Jacek Stramski On November 6, the Florida Supreme Court adopted changes to a number of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. [read post]
12 Jun 2016, 2:14 pm
Jacek Stramski | In a 5-2 decision issued on June 9, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that the interest awarded on judgments entered between 1998 and 2011 remains unchanged until the judgment is paid and is not affected by 2011 statutory amendments that provide for variable interest. [read post]
6 Jun 2016, 3:36 pm
Jacek Stramski | The Supreme Court is heading into its summer break with an oral argument lineup that is heavy on substance. [read post]
9 Jul 2016, 10:43 am
Jacek Stramski | On July 7, the Supreme Court of Florida considered what it means for a vehicle to be “involved in a crash” for purposes of section 316.027, Florida Statutes. [read post]
18 Sep 2016, 11:58 am
Jacek Stramski | The City of Miami Gardens will have to hold a second election for mayor after the Florida Supreme Court invalidated the election held on August 30, 2016. [read post]
21 Mar 2015, 9:17 am
Jacek Stramski | The Florida Supreme Court’s oral argument schedule this month proves that the excitement of March madness is not confined to the NCAA basketball tournament. [read post]
26 Feb 2015, 4:34 pm
Jacek Stramski The saga involving former Leon County Judge Judith Hawkins has not ended following her removal from the bench for, among other things, using her office to run a private business by selling a self-published book and for tampering with and concealing evidence from the Judicial Qualifications Commission during its investigation of her actions. [read post]
22 May 2014, 7:37 pm
By Jacek Stramski Today the Florida Supreme Court unanimously clarified that where the Legislature authorizes a state agency to impose a civil penalty in a court of competent jurisdiction, the agency’s burden of proof is a preponderance of the evidence unless a different evidentiary standard is provided by law. [read post]
14 Jun 2014, 8:51 am
By Jacek Stramski The Supreme Court’s joint opinion issued Thursday in Masone v City of Aventura (SC12-644) and City of Orlando v. [read post]
17 Dec 2015, 3:43 pm
Jacek Stramski | On December 17, 2015, the Florida Supreme Court rejected the Judicial Qualifications Commission’s (JQC) recommendation that Judge John Murphy of Brevard County be suspended, and instead held that he “surrendered his privilege to serve in [the] court system” by threatening to commit violence against a public defender, engaging in a physical altercation with counsel, and subsequently resuming his docket while defendants were left without counsel. [read post]
3 Feb 2014, 3:11 pm
By Jacek Stramski February’s oral arguments will see at least one very high profile case heard by justices. [read post]
5 Nov 2015, 7:21 pm
Jacek Stramski | On November 5, the Florida Supreme Court issued its opinion in State v. [read post]
28 Jul 2014, 4:29 pm
By Jacek Stramski In Visiting Nurse Association of Florida, Inc. v. [read post]
18 Jan 2014, 9:13 am
By Jacek Stramski The Florida Supreme Court this week (SC12-2007 and SC12-2030) adopted several rule changes to the Rules of Judicial Administration and the Family Law Rules of Procedure in furtherance of its long-standing goal of establishing a “a fully integrated, comprehensive approach to handling all cases involving children and families. [read post]
4 Jun 2016, 1:14 pm
Jacek Stramski | The Court recently considered whether a person who falsely reports criminal conduct to law enforcement is immune from civil liability for the false report. [read post]
11 Nov 2014, 7:28 am
Jacek Stramski The last two weeks saw the Florida Supreme Court mete out discipline in two high profile cases involving judicial misconduct. [read post]
25 Sep 2016, 7:00 am
Jacek Stramski | The Supreme Court recently clarified the antique firearm exception to Florida’s “felon-in-possession” statute. [read post]
12 Jun 2016, 8:40 am
Jacek Stramski | This week the Supreme Court held that section 440.15(2)(a), Florida Statutes (2009), which cuts off workers’ compensation disability benefits to a worker who is totally disabled and unable to work but who has not yet reached maximum medical improvement after 104 weeks, is unconstitutional as a denial of the right to access to courts. [read post]