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29 Mar 2007, 2:01 pm
You remember Jack from my early postings I hope. [read post]
28 Apr 2007, 12:20 pm
The news of Jack Valenti’s death reminds me of a column I wrote about him a few years ago. [read post]
5 Aug 2010, 9:34 am
Councilman Jack Evans (D-Ward 2) no longer has to worry that a photo used in a 2008 campaign advertisement will come back to bite him. [read post]
16 Feb 2010, 9:23 am
Overall, I'd say that I've been pretty satisfied with the Magic Jack phone service, but that I did have a few issues throughout the year. [read post]
8 Nov 2007, 7:28 am
I'd like to voice an opinion that really hasn't surfaced in any of the gaming media on this topic.The Jack Thompson Debate at GDC would be a waste of time and have no real benefit for the industry.I'm sure more than a few readers may be outraged by this statement, but I have four specific reasons for my position.1. [read post]
28 Oct 2010, 6:32 am
I’d like to introduce University of Tulsa, College of Law 3L and Texan Jack Whittington, Solo Practice University’s new monthly columnist. [read post]
17 Feb 2009, 1:58 am
Imageview Management Ltd v Jack [2009] EWCA Civ 63; [2009] WLR (D) 56 “An agent when negotiating with another person on behalf of his principal breached the fiduciary duty which he owed to his principal if at the same time he made with the other person an undisclosed side deal for his own benefit and there [...] [read post]
27 Jan 2010, 5:00 am
Jack Newfield on Dylan, 1967. [read post]
21 Apr 2008, 5:53 pm
As Jack mulls over a response to Orin on computers in the "national surveillance state," I'd like to raise a different set of beefs with the Jack-type response to today's Washington Post's story about the government's recent failures in terrorism trials. [read post]
29 Oct 2021, 8:57 pm
See one you’d enjoy and join the conversation in a real and authentic way.Circle around Twitter where the lawyers, legal tech entrepreneurs and bloggers gather, and you’re apt to run into Jack. [read post]
16 May 2022, 9:18 am
And he made me thank G d for allowing me to know and associate with him. [read post]
4 May 2009, 12:00 pm
Jack Kemp was never iconic for me, but I understand why he would be a figure comparable to Mickey Mantle for anyone who grew up in Western New York, the guy who brought the city the only national championship it has known. [read post]
4 Mar 2021, 1:02 pm
Andy Levin: “[On March 3, 2021], Congressman Andy Levin (D-MI) teamed up with Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) to introduce the House companion of S.127, the Build America’s Libraries Act, which provides long-term improvements to library facilities and updates library infrastructure, prioritizing libraries in predominantly low-income and underserved communities. [read post]
12 Jun 2018, 9:04 am
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey found himself back pedaling after tweeting about using Chick-fil-A's mobile app, saying he'd forgotten about the fast-food chain's history of opposing gay marriage. [read post]
1 Dec 2014, 2:14 pm
Considering the majority of drunk drivers in Texas have recently left a bar, I’d also be looking where the offending driver came from before the accident. [read post]
3 Jun 2010, 10:13 am
You'd have thought that after all the terrible publicity about the McDonald's "hot coffee" lawsuit that no one would bring a nearly identical action against Jack-in-the-Box. [read post]
9 Mar 2020, 2:18 pm
Morris is a Professor of Law at Touro College, Jacob D. [read post]
30 Nov 2006, 1:03 pm
The DA said that if there were no God talk he’d recommend 30 days in jail. [read post]
8 Dec 2011, 2:47 pm
He'd be a decent choice. [read post]
7 Feb 2020, 4:26 am
Kulas hadn’t bladed*** before, so he asked New Jack if he’d do it for him. [read post]