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6 Sep 2012, 7:20 pm
The conference will be webcast and speakers include Jack Goldsmith, Amos Guiora, Leila Sadat, Gregory Noone, Melissa Waters, and Michael Newton, among others. [read post]
6 Sep 2012, 5:00 am
I’ve always loved September and heading back to school, relaxed and tan, exhausted from all the adventures shared with friends and family, and as far away from schoolwork and teachers as possible. [read post]
4 Sep 2012, 11:06 am
Bradley of Duke University, and Michael Newton of Vanderbilt University; Research Forum Committee members Máximo Langer, UCLA, and David Zaring, University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business; and Paul Stephan, University of Virginia, and Robert Sloane, Boston University. [read post]
16 Aug 2012, 1:02 pm
., the company was founded in 2007 by Jack Newton and Rian Gauvreau. [read post]
3 Aug 2012, 11:39 am
Henley, Jack Newton and Nerino Petro.I am speaking Tuesday, presenting three separate programs:A morning plenary, “Sites that Simplify Tasks and Save Money.”A breakout session, “Ethics and Social Media.”An afternoon plenary, “Tech and the Future of Your Practice.”For anyone wanting to follow the conference on Twitter, the hashtag is #solosmall2012.I hope to see you there. [read post]
2 Aug 2012, 8:16 am
LegalTypist Founder and CEO Andrea Cannavina May 2010 interview of Go Clio Co-Founder, Jack Newton: Questions: 1. [read post]
23 Jul 2012, 9:23 am
" The list is impressive, and I am pleased to say includes a good number of my friends and professional colleagues: Congratulations to Matt Homann of Lex Think, Jeff Richardson of iPhoneJD, Erik Mazzone of the North Carolina Bar, Mark Britton of Avvo, Jack Newton of Clio, Larry Port of RocketMatter, author Sir Richard Susskind, Susan Cartier Liebel of Solo Practice University, and John Tredennick of Catalyst Systems. [read post]
30 Jun 2012, 3:35 pm
Web-based practice management software Clio co-founder Jack Newton spoke about how attorneys can leverage the power of cloud computing, and what legal and ethical risks surround cloud computing in a presentation to the State Bar of Arizona. [read post]
25 Jun 2012, 3:03 pm
Last month, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) heard oral arguments in the important case of Prosecutor v. [read post]
21 May 2012, 4:54 am
HoldtheFrontPage reports on the judgment at Torquay and Newton Abbot County Court here. [read post]
2 May 2012, 4:00 am
good friend Jack Newton, Co-Founder and CEO of Clio, and one of the masterminds behind the Small Firm Innovation blog, to learn what firms in the know are doing today to collaborate. [read post]
18 Apr 2012, 4:59 am
Challenges for General Counsel – (Paul Mandell) The Trade Politics of Cloud Computing | Slaw - (Jack Newton) Understanding and Using Certificates in Exchange 2010 – Part One - – Part Two - (Casper Manes) Unmasking Anonymous Internet Speech in New York - (Scott Himes) Will Email Create A New Digital Divide in Your Business? [read post]
4 Apr 2012, 10:51 am
Thank you to the individuals who were so kind to contribute a case study for the book: David Bilinsky, Thoughtful Legal Management Michael Mills, Neota Logic Jim Ring, FairOutcomes Darryl Mountain Jared Correia, MassLOMAP Lawyers Mutual of NC Ronald Staudt, Chicago-Kent Kenneth Adams, Koncision Susan Cartier-Liebel, Solo Practice University Richard Granat, DirectLaw Jack Newton, Clio Aaron Kelly, Kelly Law Firm Charley Moore, Rocket Lawyer Brian Whalley, Hubspot Rimon Law Kevin… [read post]
31 Mar 2012, 12:04 pm
Although I'd met Ian before, it was great to reconnect with him, just like it was great to hang out with old friends like Andrea Cannavina a/k/a the Legal Typist, Brett Burney (@macsinlaw), Marc Matheny (@Indysoloesq), and Jack Newton (@jack_newton) and Gwynne Monahan (@econwriter5) from Clio. [read post]
26 Mar 2012, 6:01 pm
" Meanwhile, Jack Newton said his company is excited about the launch of its API. [read post]
6 Feb 2012, 4:30 am
The company principals Jack Newton and Rian Gauvreau made the announcement at the opening of the ALM LegalTech conference and trade show. [read post]
31 Jan 2012, 7:24 am
Jack Newton I am here at LegalTech in New York where I had an opportunity to meet yesterday with Jack Newton and Rian Gauvreau, founders of Clio, the cloud-based practice management application. [read post]
30 Jan 2012, 9:01 am
Jack Newton, Rian Gauvreau and friends have just announced that Clio has raised $6 million in its Series B round of financing from Acton Capital Partners, a Munich-based growth equity investor, and a series of existing investors that includes Point Nine Capital. [read post]
25 Jan 2012, 5:18 am
It includes a ton of useful information from leaders in the legal technology field, including: The foreward, written by Richard Susskind The ethics chapter, written by Steph Kimbro Contributions from Robert Ambrogi, Ben Schorr, Allison Shields, Tomasz Stasiuk and more Expert advice and practical commentary from Howard Lenow, Jonathan Jaffe, Finis Price, Ben Stevens, Russell Leisner, Steph Kimbro,Tomasz Stasiuk, Robert Krakow, Mason Boswell, Jack Newton, Larry Port, Jeff… [read post]
18 Jan 2012, 3:57 am (Jack Newton) Spanish Data Protection Authority Launches Public Consultation on Cloud Computing - (Gonzalo Gallego) Symantec Backtracks, Admits Own Network Hacked, Warns pcAnywhere Users of Risk | Computerworld – (Gregg Keizer) The New Way Twitter Will Dominate Online Journalism - (Ben Kerschberg) Troubleshooting Exchange Networking: Active Directory (Part 2) (Casper Manes) When Your Data’s in the… [read post]