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5 Mar 2016, 9:12 am by Dr. Shezad Malik
All talc cancer cases filed throughout New Jersey state court are centralized before Judges Julio L. [read post]
6 Feb 2015, 6:00 am by Bridget Crawford
Below the fold is Version 3.1 of the census of law prof Twitter users. [read post]
23 Jan 2015, 4:44 am by Bridget Crawford
Louis University Hugh Hanson HughCHansen Fordham Woodrow Hartzog hartzog Cumberland Rick Hasen rickhasen Irvine David L. [read post]
25 Jan 2011, 4:30 am by Jim Dedman
., Inc. for gross negligence, for willful and wanton disregrad of the rights, safety, and welfare of Stella Liebeck and any other consumers that purchase coffee in the defective state in which it is sold by Defendants, and for the marketing defect of no warning, or in the alternative, insufficient warning, because McDonald's Corporation and McDonald's Restaurants P.T.S., Inc. fully know of and are aware of innumerable burn cases caused by the fault, or in the alternative,… [read post]