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1 Aug 2015, 8:00 am
Our August student guest blogger will be 2L James Wold. [read post]
17 Feb 2017, 10:41 am
Congratulations to Celeste Borjas, Alyssa Gemein, James Wold, and Dena Welden for their strong effort in the 2017 Philip C. [read post]
9 Sep 2009, 11:21 am
Wold, Peter B. [read post]
12 Feb 2010, 11:50 am
Leunig, John Scott, John Casanova, Jennifer Leviton, James H. [read post]
30 Nov 2009, 11:00 am
Christensen, Robert Leviton, James H. [read post]
19 Oct 2009, 1:44 pm
Leunig, John Segal, Charles Casanova, Jennifer Leviton, James H. [read post]
15 Jan 2010, 10:11 am
Lewis, Scott Shands, Cean Casanova, Jennifer Loraas, James Sheridan, Jeffrey Cecchini, Pamela Lothspeich, Dennis Shiah, Thomas H. … [read post]
13 May 2017, 11:29 am
Here is student James Wold’s assessment. [read post]
13 May 2017, 11:29 am
Here is student James Wold’s assessment. [read post]
12 Aug 2010, 11:56 am
Leoni, Joe Scott, John Casanova, Jennifer Leunig, John Scott, Mike Cecchini, Pamela Leviton, James H. [read post]
8 May 2008, 10:36 am
There were reps from the criminal defense lawyers and the prosecutors lobby, the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition, the Innocence Project of Texas, the Governor's office, two judges from the Court of Criminal Appeals, several members of the House of Representatives, a police union rep, and several DAs and police chiefs, mostly from larger cities.I was particularly impressed with commentary from James Lee Woodard, a writ writer who spent his entire 27 years wrongfully incarcerated trying… [read post]
19 Aug 2012, 6:11 pm
Take Foreign Sales Law as You Find It European Family Private International Law Cristina González Beilfuss, The Proposal for a Council Regulation on the Property Consequences of Registered Partnerships Ilaria Viarengo, The EU Proposal on Matrimonial Property Regimes – Some General Remarks Andrea Bonomi, The Interaction among the Future EU Instruments on Matrimonial Property, Registered Partnerships and… [read post]
21 Oct 2011, 1:35 am
James Devenney at Durham University, U.K. [read post]
11 Nov 2024, 12:54 am
James Newchapel [2012] Lichfield Cons. [read post]
11 Aug 2008, 2:29 am
James Mcgreevey(Democrat): The former governor of New Jersey resigned from office after admitting that he had an affair with a male aide. [read post]
10 Jul 2019, 1:06 pm
John Roberts is, not a stupid man, which means that astonishing sentences and analytic gaps in his opinions must be interpreted with special care. [read post]
10 Jan 2010, 2:36 pm
Ms Makasi’s objection to the property was that she wold have to take her son (and with her the two infant children) to the school on the bus and the walk each morning and back each afternoon. [read post]
19 Aug 2018, 12:22 pm
But could the company’s own databases do this and wold courts rely on that? [read post]
7 Oct 2016, 2:40 pm
Lin, Professor of Law, University of California, Davis, School of Law—Community Levers for Benefit Sharing James N. [read post]
14 Jul 2011, 9:23 am
TRADE Washington, D.C. : Inside Washington Publishers, c1983- See Catalog Commercial policy -- Environmental aspects -- Case studies TRADE AND THE ENVIRONMENT : LAW AND POLICY / CHRIS WOLD, SANFORD GAINES, GREG BLOCK Durham, N.C. : Carolina Academic Press, c2005 K3943 .W648 2005 See Catalog Common law -- United States -- History COMMON LAW, HISTORY, AND DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA, 1790-1900 / KUNAL M. [read post]