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12 Dec 2017, 7:00 am
Cybersecurity Association of Maryland Inc. founder and chairman Art Jacoby announced the election of Gina Abate, the president and CEO of woman-owned, Elkridge-based Edwards Performance Solutions, as his successor to lead the organization as board chair, beginning Jan. 1. [read post]
9 Nov 2017, 8:37 am
Cybersecurity Association of Maryland Inc. founder and chairman Art Jacoby announced the election of Gina Abate, the president and CEO of woman-owned, Elkridge-based Edwards Performance Solutions, as his successor to lead the organization beginning Jan. 1. [read post]
6 Jan 2022, 10:25 am
The dawn of a new year is here, and in the spirit of renovation, The IPKat welcomes new GuestKats Gabriele Girardello, Jan Jacobi and Becky Knott to our family.Here's a bit more about them:Gabriele GirardelloGabriele is an Italian-qualified lawyer and holds an LLM in Intellectual Property Law from the University of Turin - WIPO. [read post]
6 Feb 2019, 12:11 pm
Jan. 9, 2019, By Jeff Jacoby, The Boston Globe More Blog Entries: Electric Scooters in Boston: Wheeling in This Spring, Jan. 20, 2019, Boston Bicycle Accident Attorney Blog The post State Rejects Archaic “Boston Roads Aren’t Meant for Bicycles” Attitude appeared first on Bike Accident Lawyers Blog. [read post]
10 Jun 2023, 6:10 am
The second panel (photo: Neil Graveney) Jan Jacobi started with an overview on colour marks by recalling the very first decisions where a colour mark was accepted. [read post]
7 Feb 2022, 2:45 am
On a related note, GuestKat Jan Jacobi reported on the European Commission’s announcement that it would establish an EU Toolbox against counterfeiting as part of the EU Strategy to tackle Organised Crime 2021 – 2025. [read post]
27 Nov 2023, 1:29 am
Here’s what Jan and Jarieke write: Dutch Supreme Court: when due cause has already been established, no further assessment of (dis)honest practices is requiredby Jan Jacobi and Jarieke TimmermanPaying tribute may be flattering to some, but in trade mark law it is rarely appreciated. [read post]
29 Nov 2021, 9:29 am
The IPKat is pleased to host another guest contribution by Jan Jacobi (Kindred Group) on an interesting Dutch case relating to image rights as applied to the evocation of someone's own image.Here's what Jan writes:Flattery or freeloading? [read post]
20 Feb 2022, 10:27 am
Our GuestKat Jan Jacobi presented the background, the outcome and a commentary on the case.Have you ever heard of the word "bowdlerization"? [read post]
3 Apr 2022, 12:59 pm
Background, outcome and comment by our GuestKat Jan Jacobi in a related post.PermaKat Neil Wilkof reflects on the long process of centralization and decentralization of the modern computing and the extent to which intellectual property will protect more than just software in the future. [read post]
12 May 2022, 1:49 am
Temperatures are rising, and rumour has it that the best way to cool off a bit is by catching up with the latests articles from the IPKat from the past few weeks.GuestKat Jan Jacobi took the fast lane and commented on the recent Dutch Supreme Court decision involving a famous Formula One racer and a potential infringement of his image rights through use of a look-a-like. [read post]
13 Mar 2022, 11:10 am
The full agenda and registration can be found here.GuestKat Jan Jacobi analyses the impact of Brexit on EUTM injunctions. [read post]
27 Dec 2009, 7:41 am
Jeff Jacoby (Boston Globe) writes: The first decade of the 1st century ran from Year 1 through Year 10. [read post]
27 Jan 2018, 7:29 am
Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby writes about "the dogmatic world of the deaccession police, [where] the Berkshire [Museum] would be better off dead if the price of staying alive for decades to come is to sell some artworks today. [read post]
20 Apr 2022, 6:37 am
PermaKat Eleonora Rosati wrote an article about those referrals and summarised it here.Katfriend Marijus Dingilevskis reported on the Lithuanian transposition of the DSM Directive.GuestKat Jan Jacobi commented on a recent decision of the CJEU, which determined that the law of Member State where Community design infringement took place determines applicable law to supplementary claims as well.Lastly, our PermaKat Eleonora Rosati shared new information regarding the next… [read post]
28 Nov 2021, 5:25 am
Katfriend Jan Jacobi reported on a recent judgment of the Court of Appeal of The Hague (19 October 2021) dealing with the Van Doren Lifestyle judgment, which deserves special attention. [read post]
10 Dec 2021, 12:19 pm
Spoiler: The GC considered that the referred application would exploit the reputation of the Porto PDO.MiscellaneousGuest Jan Jacobi investigated the limits of parody based on a pending case before the Dutch Supreme Court that involves the use of a look-a-like of a famous F1 racer in a commercial and whether it would constitute a potential infringement of his portrait/image rights. [read post]
27 Apr 2023, 6:20 am
Copyright Former Guest Kat Jan Jacobi reported on a Dutch referral to the CJEU about Article 2(7) of the Berne Convention in connection with designer chairs, the issue being whether the scope of Art. 2(7) is a matter of EU law or the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty.Eleonora Rosati discussed a CJEU decision on communication to the public under Article 3 of the InfoSoc Directive, which drew a distinction between broadcasting music on a plane or train, being a… [read post]
17 May 2007, 6:32 am
Earlier on Overlawyered: Aug. 27 (ISB subpoenas talk show); May 19; Jan. 5, 2006. [read post]
8 Jun 2007, 6:05 am
On Jan. 5, 2006, former Clark Superior Court 1 Judge Jerome F. [read post]