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3 Jun 2015, 5:31 pm by Colin O'Keefe
Westbrook of Seyfarth Shaw on the firm’s California Peculiarities Employment Law Blog Antitrust Probe of Movie Theater Chains Enters Next Act – Jared Klaus and Jay Levine of Porter Wright on the firm’s Antitrust Law Source Kardashians, Caitlyn Jenner, and More Celebrity Trademark Nonsense – Louisville lawyer Amy Cahill of Stites & Harbison on the firm’s blog, Trademarkology Department of Labor To Ramp… [read post]
3 Dec 2014, 6:22 am by Jared Klaus and Jay Levine
By Jared Klaus and Jay Levine Following the expiration of a public comment period last week, the ink is now dry on the Federal Trade Commission’s consent decree against Made in USA Brand, LLC, settling charges that the Columbus, Ohio-based company sold its “Made in USA” certification label to product-sellers without making any attempt to verify whether the companies’ products were actually made in the USA. [read post]
3 Dec 2014, 6:45 am by and
By Jared Klaus and Jay Levine Following the expiration of a public comment period last week, the ink is now dry on the Federal Trade Commission’s consent decree against Made in USA Brand, LLC, settling charges that the Columbus, Ohio-based company sold its “Made in USA” certification label to product-sellers without making any attempt to verify whether the companies’ products were actually made in the USA. [read post]