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19 Sep 2011, 7:54 pm by Susan I. Nelson
Texas Tribune by Jay Root Tea Party leaders confronted Rick Perry in his own back yard Monday, calling on him to use his power as Texas governor to crack down on illegal immigration. [read post]
4 Mar 2010, 5:23 am by Gritsforbreakfast
I don't say that as a Perry apologist; I'm often critical of the Governor. [read post]
31 Oct 2011, 10:23 am by Gritsforbreakfast
And after the Tulia scandal, on the advice of his "fixer," Jay Kimbrough, Perry boldly de-funded the state's system of regional narcotics task forces to pay for drug courts, diversion programs and border-security initiatives.In the scheme of things, the death penalty is a minor piece of the justice system. [read post]
17 Oct 2012, 8:46 am by Jay Perry
By Jay Perry             In a case that is emblematic of the potential problems with digital communication during jury trials, the Tennessee Supreme Court has granted review in State v. [read post]
17 Oct 2012, 8:46 am by Jay Perry
By Jay Perry             In a case that is emblematic of the potential problems with digital communication during jury trials, the Tennessee Supreme Court has granted review in State v. [read post]
5 Oct 2011, 9:00 am by Elan Mendel
Ex-inmate caught in commodity futures Ponzi schemeThe CFTC has obtained a court order requiring Perry Jay Griggs, Rachelle Griggs, and Aloha Trading Company to jointly and severally pay a $2.1 million in civil monetary penalty in connection with a commodity futures Ponzi scheme. [read post]
11 Jun 2012, 12:02 pm by Jay Perry
by Jay Perry            Recently, Aaron Deveau, an 18 year old student from Massachusetts was sentenced, to 2 ½ years with one year to serve in prison for a car crash in 2011 that killed one person and serious injured another. [read post]
20 May 2007, 4:38 am
Commission Special Master Jay Kimbrough, appointed [press release] early this month by Texas Gov. [read post]
27 Mar 2007, 1:40 am
It's taken a while since Texas Governor Rick Perry first appointed him "Special Master," but the Lege has finally figured out, and the Master finally admitted at a House Corrections Committee hearing yesterday, that Jay Kimbrough has no authority - zero, zilch, nada - to reform the Texas Youth Commission. [read post]
14 Aug 2012, 11:42 am by Jay Perry
By Jay PerryThe Tennessee Court of Criminal Appeals recently sided with the trial judge in rejecting a request for “judicial diversion” in State v. [read post]
31 May 2012, 7:33 pm by Jay Perry
by Jay PerryIt’s not an uncommon situation: late at night a car full of people is pulled over by police. [read post]