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7 Mar 2022, 3:20 pm
Former co-managing partner Jeff Rosen will now serve as RS&F’s managing partner. [read post]
23 Oct 2014, 5:00 am
The Maryland Council on Economic Education, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving economic and financial literacy in the state, has named Jeff Rosen to the board of trustees. [read post]
3 Nov 2023, 5:33 am
Jeff Rosen, Prof. [read post]
10 Jun 2023, 7:47 am
Jeff Rosen, and Me appeared first on [read post]
9 Apr 2018, 6:18 am
I much look forward to Jeff's posts! [read post]
22 May 2012, 2:11 pm
(Randy Barnett) On Bench Memos Carrie Severino offers her take on Jeff Rosen’s challenge to Chief Justice Roberts: In Rosen’s world, avoiding 5–4 decisions at all costs is apparently a higher virtue than following the law. [read post]
29 May 2012, 9:01 am
(Randy Barnett) On, Jeff Rosen has a thoughtful response to the criticism engendered by his New Republic magazine essay on Chief Justice Roberts. [read post]
5 May 2023, 1:42 pm
Joan Biskupic was a guest on Jeff Rosen's podcast for the National Constitution Center. [read post]
21 Feb 2017, 12:30 pm
Recent Editions of “Ask Jeff” Ask Jeff VIII: Jeffrey Rosen answers your questions about constitutional interpretation Ask Jeff VII: Jeffrey Rosen answers your questions about the Constitution Ask Jeff VI: Jeffrey Rosen answers your constitutional questions [read post]
26 Jan 2007, 10:22 am
"'Ask the Author' with Jeff Rosen: Part 1. [read post]
29 Jan 2007, 12:27 pm
"'Ask the Author' with Jeff Rosen: Part 2. [read post]
4 May 2009, 9:38 am
JEFF ROSEN: The Case Against Sotomayor. [read post]
6 May 2009, 11:10 pm
Jeff Rosen's recent piece in The New Republic attributing criticism of Judge Sotomayor to unnamed prosecutors and clerks for other Second Circuit judges has itself come in for quite a good deal of criticism (quoted with links here). [read post]
3 Jan 2011, 5:17 pm
Jeff Rosen, the recently elected District Attorney for Santa Clara County officially takes his seat today. [read post]
8 May 2009, 4:15 am
Jeff Rosen has just returned from overseas to discover that the blogosphere responded critically to his TNR piece on Judge Sotomayor. [read post]
16 Jul 2009, 1:07 pm
On Contentions, Jenifer Rubin recalls Jeff Rosen's preemptive warnings about Judge Sotomayor:... [read post]
7 May 2009, 6:05 pm
Jeff Rosen responds to some of the criticisms of his profile of Judge Sonia Sotomayor. [read post]
7 May 2009, 9:05 am
Michael Dorf has an interesting post on the "inexplicable error" in Jeff Rosen's article about potential Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor. [read post]
24 Mar 2010, 3:36 pm
[Kate Moser] Note to self: When taking on my boss in a public debate, get some tips from Jeff Rosen. [read post]
10 May 2010, 1:06 pm
I completely agree with Jeff Rosen. [read post]