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24 Feb 2009, 5:00 am
Honors, Kevin Amaral, Nicholas Andreadis, Caitlin Bisbano, Jeremy Boutin, Tyler Cobb, Mitchell Contente, Nicole Delekta, Zachery Dias, Jaquelyn Doyle, Carly Ferias, Samantha Fletcher, Matthew Gardner, Thomas Hanson, Kimberly Hoffman, Sarah Holt, Amanda Ignacio, Harsha Kumar, Jessica Madeiro, Dylan Maher, Joshua Marabello, Mariah Monzi, Theodore Moskala, Carly Pacheco, Rhiannon Palmieri, Meghan Pereira, Kiley Quinn, Kevin Reilly, Corey Silvia, Lily Sirpenski, Cody Stanzione, Adam Sylvia,… [read post]
9 Feb 2018, 5:56 am by Jim Sedor
Therefore, Pascoe in said in court filings, Quinn should revise his guilty plea. [read post]
3 Nov 2017, 6:25 am by Jim Sedor
Between them, Edge and Harrison earned a reported $1.2 million from their secret consulting work with Quinn. [read post]
12 Jan 2011, 12:31 pm by Jeff Gamso
  It's now up to the as-yet unindicted (this is Illinois) governor, Pat Quinn. [read post]
15 Nov 2006, 9:30 am
After viewing the tape, national columnist Jane Bryant Quinn wrote, "The tape shows that, instead of gathering evidence itself, Aetna tells the sick person to handle it. [read post]
18 Apr 2009, 11:06 am
As firm chairman Jeffrey Haidet noted, "I think [the incoming first years] were probably happy we were not calling to rescind any offers or delay start dates six or 12 months like some other firms. [read post]
6 Oct 2019, 3:48 am by INFORRM
 At the hearing, however, Mr Quinn stated that the Claimants were not concerned about being identified as Spearmint Rhino performers. [read post]
31 Jan 2020, 6:03 am
Pudschedl (University Wiener Neustadt), on Tuesday, January 28, 2020 Tags: Disclosure, Environmental disclosure, ESG, Firm performance, International governance, Risk, Sustainability Board Composition and Shareholder Proposals Posted by Jeffrey Karpf, Sandra Flow, and Mandeep Kalra, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, on Tuesday, January 28, 2020 Tags: Board composition, Board tenure, Boards of… [read post]
29 Jan 2021, 6:01 am
Quinn (University of Washington), and Brian Tayan (Stanford University), on Thursday, January 28, 2021 Tags: Disclosure, Earnings announcements, Inside information, Insider trading, Rule 10b-5-1, SEC, SEC enforcement, SEC rulemaking, Securities enforcement, Securities regulation [read post]
12 Jul 2012, 11:59 am by SO Issues
"You might lose some of your naughty users, and if you lose traffic you might lose some of your revenue," Quinn said. [read post]
6 Jan 2015, 6:46 pm by Bridget Crawford
Thomas Anthony Niedwiecki LawProfAnt John Marshall (Chicago) Sean Nolon snolon Vermont Tracy Norton millennialprof Touro Tracy Norton profnorton Touro Beth Simone Noveck bethnoveck NYLS Rory O'Connell rjjoconnell Queens University Belfast Shuyi Oei ShuyiOei Tulane Paul Ohm paulohm Colorado David Opderbeck dopderbeck Seton Hall Lisa Ouellette PatentScholar Stanford Kevin Outterson koutterson Boston University Jessica Owley JessicaOwley Buffalo Frank Pasquale FrankPasquale Seton Hall Scott Peppet… [read post]
5 Dec 2011, 1:51 pm by AdamSmith1776
Jeffrey Bewkes, chief executive of Time Warner, played down any talk of a revolution, in part because the last chief executive he installed at Time Inc., Jack Griffin, lasted all of six months after he came under fire for his management approach. [read post]
16 Nov 2011, 11:26 am by Steve Bainbridge
 Quinn, Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: The Performance of Earnouts in Corporate Acquisitions (November 12, 2011), which argues that: Recently available data suggests that actual target company performance post-closing often falls short of the expectations of both buyers and sellers – even when those expectations have been discounted for risk. [read post]
26 Jul 2012, 2:55 pm by Bridget Crawford
Thomas Anthony Niedwiecki LawProfAnt John Marshall (Chicago) Sean Nolon snolon Vermont Beth Simone Noveck bethnoveck NYLS Rory O'Connell rjjoconnell Queens University Belfast Paul Ohm paulohm Colorado David Opderbeck dopderbeck Seton Hall Jessica Owley JessicaOwley Buffalo Frank Pasquale FrankPasquale Seton Hall Scott Peppet speppet Colorado Lisa Philipps lphilipps Osgoode Hall Randal Picker randypicker Chicago Ellen Podgor whitecollarprof Stetson Thaddeus Pope… [read post]