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3 May 2007, 9:39 pm
One useful book to help you think about the subject, if you want to learn more, is a book by the Cato Institute's Jim Harper. [read post]
12 Apr 2007, 5:05 am
Contact their office and either thank them for doing the right thing or scold them for voting to chip away at Texans' civil liberties:AYESAycock(R); Berman(R); Bonnen(R); Brown, Betty(R); Chisum(R); Christian(R); Crabb(R); Crownover(R); Delisi(R); Driver(R); Frost(D); Herrero(D); Jackson, Jim(R); Kolkhorst(R); Menendez(D); Otto(R); Phillips(R); Riddle(R); Talton(R); West, Buddy(R); Woolley(R); Zedler(R); Zerwas(R)NAYSAllen, Alma(D); Alonzo(D); Anchia(D); Bailey(D); Bohac(R); Bolton(D);… [read post]
10 Apr 2007, 5:51 am
Jim Harper of the libertarian Cato Institute says the scanner raises concerns about privacy. [read post]
8 Mar 2007, 10:20 am
The CATO Institute's Jim Harper blogged on USA Today's Real ID editorial from Tuesday — and gives a shout out to Anthony's rebuttal, "Repeal Real ID. [read post]
6 Mar 2007, 11:05 am
Jerry Brito, Tim Lee, Adam Thierer and Jim Harper bounce around through the big issues of the week. [read post]
29 Jan 2007, 12:33 pm
. […] “The reality (of her proposals) is that they would almost turn the information economy inside out — it’s like saying, ‘OK, now the water in the stream is going to flow in the other direction,’” said Jim Harper, director of information policy studies at the libertarian think tank The Cato Institute. “It’s easy to imagine, but changing the way information moves in the economy is very, very hard to do.” “I… [read post]
8 Nov 2006, 12:30 pm
(TechDirt, Nov. 1)(via Jim Harper, Cato-at-Liberty). [read post]