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1 Jun 2023, 4:18 am by jonathanturley
Senior editor Joe Patrice defended “predominantly liberal faculties” based on the fact that liberal views reflect real law as opposed to junk law. [read post]
27 Apr 2023, 9:01 pm by Neil H. Buchanan
Josh Hawley, or some other demagogue, these judges will be first in line for a promotion.Just this afternoon, I happened upon a fantastic column by Joe Patrice that was published a week ago on Above the Law. [read post]
19 Apr 2023, 5:39 am by jonathanturley
Senior editor Joe Patrice defended “predominantly liberal faculties” based on the fact that liberal views reflect real law as opposed to junk law. [read post]
4 Apr 2023, 10:02 am by Eric Segall
" Pryor quite sarcastically referred to Joe Patrice, who writes for ATL, as "one of the great journalists of our time at a venerable institution for investigative journalism. [read post]
24 Mar 2023, 3:58 am by jonathanturley
  Senior Editor Joe Patrice rejected the effort to “recast ‘free speech’ as the right of a powerful person to speak at the silent and unprivileged. [read post]
23 Mar 2023, 5:00 am by jonathanturley
Senior Editor Joe Patrice dismissed numerous polls showing that faculty and students now self-censor in fear that they will face cancel campaigns or sanctions. [read post]
18 Mar 2023, 5:38 am by jonathanturley
This trend is supported by anti-free speech websites like Above the Law where Editor Joe Patrice defended “predominantly liberal faculties” and argued that hiring a conservative professor is akin to allowing a believer in geocentrism to teach. [read post]
16 Mar 2023, 7:00 am by jonathanturley
This trend is supported by anti-free speech websites like Above the Law where Editor Joe Patrice defended “predominantly liberal faculties” and argued that hiring a conservative professor is akin to allowing a believer in geocentrism to teach. [read post]
6 Mar 2023, 1:17 pm by Bob Ambrogi
Six of the panelists from the weekly Legaltech Week podcast got to hang out: Steve Embry, Victor Li, Stephanie Wilkins, Niki Black, Joe Patrice, and me. [read post]
10 Feb 2023, 7:43 am by Chris Dreyer
There are plenty of media options for lawyers who want to grow and learn more. [read post]
2 Feb 2023, 8:33 am by jonathanturley
Liberal writers like Above the Law editor Joe Patrice have previously ridiculed students who fear speaking in class, dismissing the overwhelming majority in these polls as students who are “just… conservatives being sad that everyone else makes fun of them. [read post]
31 Jan 2023, 5:00 am by jonathanturley
Above the Law’s senior editor, Joe Patrice, defended “predominantly liberal faculties” and argued that hiring a conservative academic is akin to allowing a believer in geocentrism — the idea that the sun orbits the earth — to teach. [read post]