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6 Jun 2020, 1:11 pm by Bob Ambrogi
Parker joins this week’s line-up of panelists: Nicole Black, legal technology columnist and legaltech evangelist at MyCase; Caroline Hill, editor in chief, Legal IT Insider; Molly McDonough, media consultant, former publisher and editor-in-chief of the ABA Journal; Joe Patrice, editor, Above the Law; and Zach Warren, editor-in-chief, Legaltech News. [read post]
30 May 2020, 10:37 am by Bob Ambrogi
Joining host Bob Ambrogi this week are Nicole Black, legal technology columnist and legaltech evangelist at MyCase; Caroline Hill, editor in chief, Legal IT Insider; Molly McDonough, media consultant, former publisher and editor-in-chief of the ABA Journal; Joe Patrice, editor, Above the Law; and Zach Warren, editor-in-chief, Legaltech News. [read post]
25 May 2020, 11:50 am by Bob Ambrogi
Joining me this week as panelists are Nicole Black, legal technology columnist and legaltech evangelist at MyCase; Caroline Hill, editor in chief, Legal IT Insider; Molly McDonough, media consultant, former publisher and editor-in-chief of the ABA Journal; and Joe Patrice, editor, Above the Law. [read post]
3 Jan 2020, 4:46 am by SHG
Joe Patrice found his first paying job and Elie was The Man. [read post]
24 Nov 2019, 2:31 pm by Schachtman
(Nov. 18, 2019). [2]  Joe Patrice, “Study Finds That Bar Discipline Is Totally Racist Shocking Absolutely No One: Black male attorneys are more likely to be disciplined than white attorneys,” Above the Law (Nov. 19, 2019). [3]  Debra Cassens Weiss, “New California bar study finds racial disparities in lawyer discipline,” Am. [read post]
6 Nov 2019, 4:39 am by Rob Robinson
In this eDiscovery Day educational panel with three leading legal journalists, Joe Patrice (Above the Law), Zach Warren (LegalTech News) and Eleanor Tyler (Bloomberg Law), presenters will provide insight into the role e-discovery played in major news stories from 2019. [read post]
11 Sep 2019, 5:03 am by SHG
Forgive the undercurrent of childishness in this description and its self-indulgent links, as it was written by Joe Patrice. [read post]
4 Sep 2019, 4:00 pm by Elie Mystal
DON'T GET LAW SCHOOL ADVICE FROM NON-LAWYERS: Joe Patrice, uhh, has some advice for an advice columnist. [read post]
18 Aug 2019, 8:18 pm by Omar Ha-Redeye
Trudeau in 1973 remained in place, with new guidelines for cabinet members’ spouses and dependent children were issued by Prime Minister Joe Clarke in 1979. [read post]
30 Jul 2019, 4:02 am by SHG
And the foremost arbiter of distant courtroom morality, Joe Patrice, offered his deeply considered if factually inept view: Thankfully, Duhon’s public defender [sic] was there to object and suggest that, you know, Duhon be removed from the courtroom for his lack of decorum instead of treated like an extra at Abu Ghraib. [read post]
22 Jul 2019, 3:45 pm by Elie Mystal
JOE PATRICE HATES FREEDOM: Here's some anti-freedom crap from noted liberty-hater, Joe. [read post]
19 Jul 2019, 11:49 am by Ezra Rosser
Joe Patrice, T14 Law Professor Goes To White Nationalism Conference And Says White Nationalist Things And Somehow Still Has A Job, Above the Law, July 18, 2019. [read post]
17 Jul 2019, 4:00 pm by Elie Mystal
IN OTHER NEWS, THIS GUY: This week's podcast involves me and Joe Patrice talking about Jeffrey Epstein and Alex Acosta. [read post]
12 Jul 2019, 3:33 pm by Elie Mystal
JOE PATRICE CALLED THE ALEX ACOSTA RESIGNATION: He's also probably right about what Acosta will do next. [read post]
28 Jun 2019, 4:15 am by Hon. Richard G. Kopf
Hell, I even read pieces about Fabian written by Joe Patrice at Above the Law. [read post]