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23 Mar 2016, 7:55 am by Steve Lubet
  Titled “A Step Aside: Time to Drop the Infield Fly Rule and End a Common Law Anomaly,” the article, written by federal district judge Andrew Guilford and his clerk Joel Mallord, employs the common but still amusing convention of providing multiple footnotes in a single sentence – sometimes following every word – with a corresponding parallel discussion in the subtext. [read post]
24 Dec 2012, 9:30 pm by RegBlog
    “FHFA Publishes Proposed PACE Rule”by Joel Mallord, RegBlog Staff (February 14)   Homeowners may find it more difficult to obtain loans from their local governments for energy saving home improvements under a proposed rule issued by the federal agency responsible for managing government-sponsored lending institutions, such as Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Banks. [read post]