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5 Sep 2008, 4:01 pm
I suspect that John McCain knows that he is likely to be a one-term president, even if he lives out his term, and he seems to have, shall we say, an ambivalent view of his political party, plus a character structure that revels in his self-proclaimed "maverick" status. [read post]
10 Apr 2008, 2:41 pm
[T]he ladies of John Singer Sargent . [read post]
29 Sep 2018, 1:25 am by Steve Lubet
The Wild Rover, by the Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem (with Pete Seeger) The Irish Rover, by the Dubliners The Irish Rover by the Dubliners and the Pogues  The Irish Rover by Reina de Cid  The Wild Rover by Lisa Kelly and Chloe Agnew  The Wild Rover by Celtic Thunder  The Wild Rover by John C. [read post]
12 Jul 2017, 6:30 am by Mitra Sharafi
The book also explores several common themes which are fundamental to the development of the law of contract: for instance, the influence of commercial expectations, appeals to 'reason' and the significance of particular judicial ideologies and techniques.TOC after the jump.1 Coggs v Barnard (1703) DAVID IBBETSON2 Pillans v Van Mierop (1765) GERARD MCMEEL3 Carter v Boehm (1766) STEPHEN WATTERSON4 Da Costa v Jones (1778) WARREN SWAIN5 Hochster v De La Tour (1853) PAUL MITCHELL6 Taylor v… [read post]
3 May 2009, 7:18 pm
This Riverside County bus crash occurred three days after a similar bus accident in Soledad took the lives of four French tourists and bus driver, 69-year-old John Agnew of Corona. [read post]
17 Apr 2013, 4:00 am by Louis Mirando
(Hubert Humphrey and Edmund Muskie were the Democratic nominees for that year’s presidential race; Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew won the election.) [read post]
27 Nov 2017, 3:00 am by NCC Staff
Nixon considered four replacements for Agnew: Ford, Rockefeller, John Connolly and Ronald Reagan. [read post]
9 Aug 2017, 2:55 am by NCC Staff
House of Representatives with distinction for 25 years and he was a member of the Warren Commission that investigated President John F. [read post]
3 Feb 2014, 1:09 pm by Gail Lamarche
This year’s line-up of topics and speakers include: Employment Law and Legislation Update, presented by Robert Shearman, Esq. and John Agnew, Esq. [read post]
14 Jul 2017, 2:45 am by Scott Bomboy
Nixon nominated the popular Ford, who was the House minority leader, to take Agnew's position on October 12, 1973. [read post]
4 Jun 2007, 6:16 pm
Calhoun) , 1841-1845 (death of President Harrison and succession by John Tyler), 1850-1853 (death of Zachary Taylor and succession by Millard Fillmore), 1853-1857 (death of VP William R. [read post]
3 Dec 2008, 3:04 am
It turns out it was Richard Nixon's (Duke 1937) first term, before VP Spiro Agnew (Baltimore 1947) resigned, William P. [read post]